ؕؓWhat does a network do - It lets us communicate.
Start by thinking of a telegraph machine.
Computer networks work exactly the same way (just a bit faster)
A small network is called a Local Area Network (LAN) and only connects a few computers for fast communication.
We can connect smaller networks to larger networks that may just go across campus. These are Wide Area Networks (WAN).
The Internet is just a lot of LANs and WANs connected together. If your computer is on one LAN that is connected to the Internet, you can reach computers on other LANs.
The information that networks typically communicate includes,
To transfer this information we count on access procedures that allow agreement about when computers talk and listen, and what they say.
3.1.1 Computer Addresses
Computers are often given names, because names are easy to remember.
In truth the computers are given numbers.
When we ask for a computer by name, your computer must find the number. It does this using a DNS (Domain Name Server). On campus we have two `' and `'.
The number has four parts. The first two digits `148.61' indicate to all of the internet that the computer is at `gvsu.edu', or on campus here (we actually pay a yearly fee of about $50 to register this internationally). The third number indicates what LAN the computer is located on (Basically each hub has its own number). Finally the last digit is specific to a machine.