eNotes: Engineering References and General Information



Some general formatting items are,

- number all pages sequentially,
roman numerals starting from `i)' on the first page
arabic numerals starting from `1' on the
- or, number pages by section. This is very useful for multi part manuals
for example `4-7' would be the 7th page in the 4th section
- if pages are blank label them `this page left blank'
- number sections sequentially with roman or Arabic numerals

For numbers,

- use engineering notation (move exponents 3 places) so that units are always micro, milli, kilo, mega, giga, etc.
- use significant figures to round the numbers
- units are required always

General English usage,

- check spelling - note that you must read to double guess the smell checker.
- check grammar
- avoid informal phrases (e.g. "show me the money")
- define acronyms and jargon the first time you use them (e.g., IBM means "Ion Beam Manufacturing")

General style rules,

- keep it simple (especially the introduction) - most authors trying to be eloquent end up sounding long winded and pretentious. For example, "Electronic computer based digital readings can provided a highly accurate data source to improve the quality of the ascertained data." could be replaced with "Computer based data collection is more accurate."
- get to the point and be concise. For example, "Readings of the pressure, as the probe was ascending up the chimney towards the top, were taken." is better put "Pressure probe readings were taken as the probe was inserted".
- it is fine to say `I' or `we', but don't get carried away.
- don't be afraid to reuse terms, phases or words if it is an exact description. For example, we could increase confusion by also describing translation as motion, movement, sliding, displacing, etc.

General engineering rules are,

- all statements should be justified, avoid personal opinions or `gut feels'
- use exact engineering terms when needed, don't try to get creative.


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