#1 Draw the X, R, and s charts for the data below, using exact calculations: Then calculate the Control Limits using approximate techniques.
#2 The data below was collected for a factory that manufactures telephones. Each day they make 10,000 phones, inspect 500, and expect to find 4 nonconforming (e.g. sometimes a button is put in upside down). The chart below lists nonconformity data for the previous week. Select the appropriate type of control chart, and plot the data.
#3 Use a Frequency Division Analysis Sheet and 2 other methods to determine if the data listed below is normal.
e) Why would a single sampled plan be preferred to a double sampled Lot Acceptance Plan. Use an example in your answer.
#5 Draw the Operating Characteristic (OC) curve for a batch of 10,000 with a sample size of 30, and a non-conforming reject level of 2. Identify the producers risk when a quality of 2% nonconforming is produced.