These set the tone for the modern concern with quality [ get source]
1. Innovate and allocate resources to fulfill the long-term needs of the company and customer rather than short-term profitability.
3. Eliminate dependance on mass inspection for quality control; instead, depend on process control, through statistical techniques.
4. Reduce the number of multiple source suppliers. Price has no meaning without an integral consideration for quality. Encourage suppliers to use statistical process control.
5. Use statistical techniques to identify the two sources of waste -- system (85%) and local faults (15%); strive to constantly reduce this waste.
7. Provide supervision with knowledge of statistical methods; encourage use of these methods to identify which nonconformities should be investigated for solution.
8. Reduce fear throughout the organization by encouraging open, two-way, non-punitive communication. The economic loss resulting from fear to ask questions or reporting trouble is appalling.
9. Help reduce waste by encouraging design, research, and sales people to learn more about the problems of production.
10. Eliminate the use of goals and slogans to encourage productivity, unless training and management support is also provided.
11. Closely examine the impact of work standards. Do they consider quality or help anyone do a better job? They often act as an impediment to productivity improvement.
13. Institute a vigorous program for retraining people in new skills, to keep up with changes in materials, methods, product designs and machinery.