In general
Maximum payload 6kg (13.2 lb)
Repeatability (based on constant temp., load, speed) +/-0.05mm (+/- 0.002 in.)
Operating Temperature 10C to 40.6C (50F to 106F)
Humidity (based on constant temp. load, speed) 8% to 80%
Theta 1 axis
Range 0 to 200 degrees +/- 1deg.
Low speed (note: this is set by a switch)
max. speed 700 mm/sec (28 in./sec)
max. speed 1100 mm/sec (43 in./sec)
max. speed 1450 mm/sec (57 in./sec)
Theta 2 axis
Range 0 to 160 degrees +/- 1deg.
Low speed (note: this is set by a switch)
max. speed 525 mm/sec (21 in./sec)
max. speed 825 mm/sec (32 in./sec)
max. speed 1000 mm/sec (39 in./sec)
Roll axis
Range +/- 180 degrees +/- 1.5 deg.
Holding Torque 35 kg-cm (30.4 in.-lb.)
Maximum load centered on Z-Axis 6 kg (13.2 lb)
Maximum speed 3.7 rad/sec (210 deg./sec. +/-5%)
Rotating Torque 14 kg-cm (12.2 in-lb)
Max. load inertia 0.1 kg-m**2 (0.074 slug-ft**2)
(Note: effects of off centre loads not
considered, and lower maximum)
Maximum Payload 6.0 kg (13.2 lb)
Resolution Not Applicable
Compressed Air
Maximum Pressure 6 kg/cm**2 (85 psig)
Conditioning Must be moisture free, as through a
moisture separator, and filtered with
The workspace is shown below,
15.2.1 AML Programs
All AML comments start with two dashes `--' at any position on a line
Statements are ended with a semi-colon, and as long as semi-colons are used, more than one statement can be used on a line.
Line numbering is done by the AML Editor
the free form variables/identifiers must: start with a letter; be up to 72 characters in length; use letters numbers and underscores, except in the last position.
Statements have the general form,
A sample program is given below with comments for explanation,
A summary of the commands is given below,
A summary of some of the keywords is,