9. Tutorial - ControlLogix

9.1 Basic SoftLogix

• Software packages needed,

RSLogix 5000

RSLinx Classic

SoftLogix 5800: We will be using a PC as our main PLC

RSNetworks EtherIP

• Goofy application notes,

network communication may be hindered by Windows firewall

the soft plc and networking is very sensitive to computer timing, shut down programs not needed.

9.1.1 Setup the Physical Hardware

1. (If not already done) Set up the rack as shown below. The cards are designed to be installed from left to right. (Note: The modules are designed to be installed upright to help cooling. Failure to do this may damage the modules.) Notice that the bases for the modules are put on the DIN rail first. There is a connector tab that must be slide to the left to engage the connector to the next base module.

2. Refer to the manuals for the hardware on the Allen Bradley web site. Note that the Installation Guides only provide mechanical and wiring information. The Users Manuals will be useful when programming.

3. (If not already done) Wire the rack as shown below. When done have the wiring checked by an instructor. Notice that power must be supplied for each output module.

4. Plug in the rack and check for a steady green ‘module status’ light. This will indicate that the module is generally operating correctly. Check the lights on the hub for correct operation.

9.1.2 Setting up the Network

1. If the virtual machine is not already running start the software. There should be a link on the desktop.

2. Set up the hub for the following settings. This will require that you log into the hub with a web browser.

Use a DHCP connection for the outside network

set the hub address to

disable DHCP server for the internal network starting at

run the “programs/rockwellsoftware/BOOTP/DHCP” software. Read the MAC ID on the AENT module and give it the static IP address Cycle the power to the AENT module to have it take effect.

in the virtual machine, set the static IP address to

for the host machine set the IP address to

3. Use a browser in the virtual machine, and point to The result should be a web page on the AENT module.

9.1.3 Setup the Virtual Hardware

1. (If a virtual machine is being used start it now). The SoftLogix rack monitor should be running, If not, you may start it by clicking on the icon on the task bar that looks like a magnifying glass. This program sets up a virtual PLC rack. Slot 0 and 4 will probably contain RSLinx, this will handle communication between all of the PLC programming software. If there are cards in any other slots remove them.

2. Open RSLinx: it appears as a chain icon on the taskbar. Open the ‘configure drivers’ and delete all of the drivers’. Right click on the icon on the task bar and close the software.

3. Right-click on slot 2 and select ‘Create’. Choose “EthernetIP Softlogix 5800” then ‘OK’. This will add a bridge between the software based PLC (not created yet) and the networked I/O. Add the following settings then use ‘next’ and ‘finish’ as needed.

check the box that says “Reset the configuration to default values”

IP Address: note that this address will be the PLC address

4. Right-click on slot 1 and select “Softlogix 5860-L60” then OK. This will create the software based PLC processor. Check the box for “Reset the configuration to default values” and uncheck the box for “enable periodic save”. Set the “dwell time” to 100ms.

5. Notice that there are status lights to track the condition of the processor and network cards. These will become very useful when diagnosing problems later.

6. When the Softlogix processor is ‘inserted’ RSLinx will start, if not already running. Open by clicking on the chain icon in the toolbar. Use the RSWho function to check and see what drivers are loaded. If “AB_VBP-1”, “SOFT5-1”, or “AB_ETHIP-1” do not exist, add them using “Communications”/”Configure Drivers”.

7. Close RS-Linx (but leave it running on the tool bar). This software will handle all the communication between all of the hardware and software.

9.1.4 Checking the Hardware With RSNetworx

1. Run “RSNetworx for Ethernet/IP”. This program will identify and browse network components.

2. Select “Network”, “Upload from Network”. Select “Ethernet/IP” in the RSLinx window when it pops up. This should show all devices and network addresses.

3. Select “Start” then “Continue” to automatically scan all network devices. Investigate any errors.

4. Save the network as “Ethernet.enet”

9.1.5 Creating Your First Program

1. Run “RSLogix 5000 Enterprise Series”. Create a new project using “File” then “New”. This will bring up a “New Controller” window. Enter the following settings then select ‘OK’.

Type: “1789-L60 SoftLogix 5860 Controller”

Revision: 13

Name: “tutorial”

2. A new set of project windows is created. On the left side are general settings, including tags.

3. First we will add some I/O. Near the bottom left is a tab labelled “I/O Configuration”. Right-click and select “New Module”. Select “Ethernet/IP” then OK. Enter the following settings and use ‘next’ and ‘finish’ as necessary.

IP Address: (needs to match the card address in the virtual processor entered before.

Slot: 2

Name: ‘network’

4. In the previous step we have indicated that we are using the network, but not what we are talking to. Right-click on the device just created and add a “1794-AENT/A Twisted Pair” adaptor with the following settings.

name: “rack”

IP address: “”

Requested packet interval (RPI): “100” ms

Revision: “2”

5. Add the four cards to the AENT module with the following settings

Card: 1794-IB8/A

Slot: 0

Description: dc_input

Name: dc_input


Card: 1794-OW8/A

Slot: 1

Description: relay_output

Name: relay_output


Card: 1794-IE4XOE2/B

Slot: 2

Revision: 2

Input Voltages: -10 to 10V

Output Voltages: -10 to 10V

Requested Packet Interval: 100ms

Description: analog

Name: analog


Card: 1794-IA8/A

Slot: 3

Description: ac_input

Name: ac_input


6. At this point all of the I/O values are defined. Next we can define our tags (Variable names). To do this double click on “Controller Tags” then “Scope” and “Main Program”. Select “Edit Tags” (a tab on the bottom). Add “A” under “tag names” then choose “aliases for”. Expand “rack:0:I” under “Description” for “rack:0:I.0”. Enter “A”.

define A as input “rack:0:I.0”

define X as output “rack:1:O.0”

define Y as output “rack:1:O.1”

7. At long last we are now ready to write our first program. Enter the following ladder logic under the ‘Main Program’ by double clicking on “Main Routine” and then download it to the processor.

8. Select the down arrow to the right of “path”. Select the “AB.VBP-1\1” then “Download”

9. Once downloaded, check the processor and verify that the ‘Run’ and ‘IO’ lights are on steadily. This will indicate that the program is running. The lights on the face of the Ethernet IO rack should also be green. (note: red is bad). Test the program by activating the input “A” on the rack.

10. Go offline and double click on “Program Tags”. Go to “Edit Tags” and add the variables below. Then return to the main program and add the ladder logic. Download and test the new program.

“B” is “rack:0:I.1”

“Z” is “rack:1:O.2”

tag “T1” of type timer


11. To see the mnemonics: right click on the left of the ladder run and select “Edit Rung”. The mnemonics for the rung will appear in a bar above. It can be modified and accepted, or rejected. Clicking in the ladder window will make it disappear.