This section outlines a basic GUI for beam loading analysis.
• The program is expected to aid the design of beams by taking basic information about beam geometry and material, and then providing immediate feedback. The beam will be simply supported, and be under a single point load. The program should also provide a printed report on the beam.
• The basic theory for beam design is available in any good mechanical design textbook. In this example it will not be given.
• The inputs were determined to be few in number: Beam Type, Beam Material, Beam Thickness, Beam Width, Beam Height, Beam Length, Load Position, Load Force.
• The possible outputs are Cross Section Area, Weight, Axial Stiffness, Bending Stiffness, and Beam Deflection, a visual display of Beam Geometry, a display of Beam Deflection.
• The small number of inputs and outputs could all be displayed, and updated, on a single screen.
• The left side of the screen was for inputs, the right side for outputs.
• The screen is divided into regions for input(2), input display and prompts(1), Beam Cross section(3), Numerical Results(4), and Beam Deflection(5).
• Current Inputs were indicated by placing a box around the item on the display(1).
• In a separate Prompt Box(2), this input could be made.
• The cursor keys could be used to cursor the input selector up or down.
• Keys required: UP/DOWN Cursors, F1, F2, F4, numbers from ‘0’ to ‘9’, ‘.’, ‘-’, and <RETURN>. In the spirit of robustness it was decided to screen all other keys.
• Equations, calculations, material types, and other relevant information were obtained from a text.
• Proper textual descriptions were used to ensure clarity for the user.
• For a printed report, screen information would be printed to a printer, with the prompt area replaced with the date and time.
• A special set of help information was needed. It was decided to ensure that the screen always displays all information necessary(2).
• Reject any input which violates the input limits.
• A default design was given, which the user could modify.
• An error checking program was created, which gives error messages.
• The screen was expressed in normalized coordinates by most sub-routines.
• Colors were used to draw attention, and highlight areas.
• The routines were written in a top down fashion, in a time of about 30 hours. These routines are listed below.
• Condition and error flags were used to skip unnecessary operations, and thus speed up response. A response of more than 0.5 seconds will result in loss of attention by the user.
• The testing and debugging was very fast, with only realignment of graphics being required. This took a couple of hours.
• The documentation included an Executive Summary of what the Program does.
• The Objectives of the program were described.
• The theory for beam design was given for the reference of any program user, who wanted to verify the theory, and possible use it.
• A manual was given which described key layouts, screen layout, basic sequence of operations, inputs and outputs.
• Program Specifications were also given.
• A walk through manual was given. This allowed the user to follow an example which displayed all aspects of the program.
• Design Strategy was outlined and given.
• A complete program listing was given (with complete comments).
• Complete production of this Documentation took about 6 hours.
Problem 5.1 Draw a simple window based GUI for a plant floor layout viewer. Also describe the functions of the various buttons, windows, etc.
Problem 5.2 You have been asked to design a CAD program which will choose a bolt and a nut to hold two pieces of sheet metal together. Each piece of sheet metal will have a hole drilled in it that is the size of the screw. You are required to consider that the two pieces are experiencing a single force. State your assumptions about the problem, then describe how you would produce this program with a Top Down design.
* An Automated approach to beam design. This is an interactive program
* Designed to take input about a beam and then determine beam para-
* meters, which are displayed both graphically and numerically.
* After on screen design a hardcopy may be made on an Epson compatible
* printer. The program requires an EGA quality monitor, with an IBM
/* header files which define functions and constants */
/* define internal operation and error codes */
/* set corners of user input box */
/* miscellaneous definitions */
#define EXTENSION 20 /* standoff for dimensions */
#define DOUBLE_LINE_GAP .005 /* normalized gap between double lines */
#define X_Y_RATIO 1.408 /* Screen x to y aspect ratio */
#define PAGE_OFFSET 80 /* Output offset for printer */
#define ERROR_BIT 8 /* Printer error bit */
/* declare functions in this listing */
/* set up formats for user inputs, prompts and help prompts */
struct entry list[8] = {{{“Beam Type :”}, .08, .18,
{“3. Solid 4. Hollow 5. L-Beam”}},
{{“Beam Material :”}, .08, .23,
{{“Beam Thickness :”}, .08, .33,
{“Metal Plat thickness for beam “},
{“Total height of beam from top to bottom”}},
{“Total width of beam from left to right”}},
{“Length of unsuported span to be”},
{{“Load Position Offset :”}, .08, .58,
{“Distance from left side to the Point”},
{“at which a load force is applied”}},
{“Total load force applied at load”},
/* set up format and structure for material description */
struct mats materials[10] = {{{“Steel”}, .283, 10300000.0},
{{“Aluminum”}, .0995, 29000000.0}};
/* set up work strings and various beam names */
int beam_type = I_BEAM, /* beam cross section type */
beam_material = STEEL, /* beam material used */
entry_number = 0; /* Current choice on input menu */
/* set up global double precision numbers */
double beam_width = 3.0, /* Width of beam cross section */
beam_height = 6.0, /* Height of Beam cross section */
beam_thick = 0.5, /* Thickness of metal plates */
beam_length = 120.0, /* Length of beam span */
beam_load = 0.0, /* Load force applied to beam */
beam_point = 0.0, /* displacement of applied load */
beam_area, /* calculated cross section area */
x_centroid, /* calculated x centroid */
y_centroid, /* calculated y centroid */
moment_inertia, /* Calculated moment of inertia */
x_axis, /* calculated x principal axis */
y_axis, /* calculated y principal axis */
axial_stiffness, /* calculated axial stiffness */
bending_stiffness, /* calculated bending stiffness */
beam_deflect, /* calculated beam deflection */
deflect_point, /* point of maximum deflection */
out_distance, /* calculated distance from fibres */
beam_weight, /* calculated total beam weight */
xmax, /* absolute width of screen x */
ymax; /* absolute height of screen y */
* This is the main terminal point between the various stages of setup,
* input, revision and termination.
if((error = setup()) != ERROR) {
while((error = input()) != DONE) {
printf(“EGA Graphics Driver Not Installed”);
* This will initialize an EGA monitor and then initialize, and collect
* video parameters, and initialize the printer.
/* Detect EGA driver and initialize */
initgraph(&driver, &mode, ““);
/* get maximum x and y screen pixel coordinates */
* This section will set up the screen with basic titles and headings.
* The section will also update the current values of beam parameters.
/* If instructed then clear screen and add titles */
/* Add titles and instructions */
draw_line(.50, 0.0, .50, 1.0-DOUBLE_LINE_GAP);
draw_line(.5 + DOUBLE_LINE_GAP, 0.0, .5 + DOUBLE_LINE_GAP, 1.0-DOUBLE_LINE_GAP);
settextstyle(SANS_SERIF_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 4);
text(.02, .014, “Beam C.A.D.”);
settextstyle(SMALL_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 6);
text(.31, .06, “by Hugh Jack”);
settextstyle(SMALL_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 4);
text(INPUT_LEFT, INPUT_TOP: .07, “Use UP and DOWN Cursors to select Parameter”);
text(INPUT_LEFT, INPUT_TOP: .04, “enter new paramter and press RETURN to accept”);
/* If instructed then update beam information */
/* Calculate new output parameters from input parameters */
sprintf(work, “Type : %s”, beams[beam_type]);
sprintf(work, “Material : %s”, materials[beam_material].name);
text(.05, .28, “Cross Section”);
sprintf(work, “Thickness : %.3f in.”, beam_thick);
sprintf(work, “Height : %.3f in.”, beam_height);
sprintf(work, “Width : %.3f in.”, beam_width);
sprintf(work, “Length : %.3f in.”, beam_length);
sprintf(work, “Load Posit.: %.3f in.”, beam_point);
sprintf(work, “Load : %.3f lbs.”, beam_load);
/* Print Calculated Parameters */
sprintf(work, “Beam Cross Sectional Area in^2: %.3f”, beam_area);
sprintf(work, “Weight lbs.: %.3f”, beam_weight);
sprintf(work, “Axial Stiffness lb. / in: %.3g”, axial_stiffness);
sprintf(work, “Bending Stiffness lbs / in^2: %.3g”, bending_stiffness);
sprintf(work, “Maximum Beam Deflection in.: %.3g”, beam_deflect);
/* Draw cross section and loading diagrams */
* The global values of the beam parameters are use to calculate
* the other output variables of the beam parameters.
x_centroid = x_axis = beam_width / 2.0;
y_centroid = y_axis = beam_height / 2.0;
/* find moment of inertia for solid beam and later subtract
hollow sections for various beam types. */
moment_inertia = beam_width*beam_height*beam_height*beam_height/12.0;
beam_area = beam_thick*(2*beam_width + beam_height: 2*beam_thick);
moment_inertia = moment_inertia: (beam_width-beam_thick)*pow((beam_height-beam_thick), 3.0)/12.0;
if(beam_type == CHANNEL_BEAM) {
beam_area = beam_thick*(2*beam_width + beam_height: 2*beam_thick);
x_centroid =(pow(beam_width, 2.0) + (beam_height: 2*beam_thick)*beam_thick)/(beam_width + (beam_height: 2*beam_thick))/2.0;
moment_inertia = moment_inertia: (beam_width-beam_thick)*pow((beam_height-beam_thick), 3.0)/12.0;
beam_area = beam_width*beam_height;
if(beam_type == HOLLOW_BEAM) {
beam_area = beam_thick*(2*beam_width + 2*beam_height: 4*beam_thick);
moment_inertia = moment_inertia: (beam_width: 2*beam_thick)*pow((beam_height-beam_thick), 3.0)/12.0;
beam_area = beam_thick*(beam_width + beam_height: beam_thick);
x_centroid = (beam_width*beam_width +(beam_height-beam_thick)*beam_thick)/2.0/(beam_height + beam_width: beam_thick);
y_centroid = (beam_height*beam_height +(beam_width-beam_thick)*beam_thick)/2.0/(beam_height + beam_width: beam_thick);
moment_inertia = (beam_width*pow(y_centroid, 3.0): (beam_width-beam_thick)*pow((y_centroid-beam_thick),3.0)+beam_thick*pow((beam_height-y_centroid), 3.0))/3.0;
axial_stiffness = beam_area * materials[beam_material].modulus;
bending_stiffness = materials[beam_material].modulus * moment_inertia;
beam_weight = beam_area * materials[beam_material].weight * beam_length;
/* find deflection of beam under loading */
deflect_point = pow((beam_point*(2 * beam_length-beam_point)/3.0), .5);
beam_deflect = beam_load*(beam_length: beam_point)/(3.0*bending_stiffness*beam_length)*pow(deflect_point, 3);
* User input functions are handled through this subroutine. These
* functions include numerical input and checking, watching function
* keys, and issuing proper feedback for executive control.
/* set flag for cursor movement */
/* Do boxes and prompts for current input */
box(x-.01, y+.045, x+.30, y-.015, GREEN, NEW);
text(INPUT_LEFT+2*DOUBLE_LINE_GAP, INPUT_TOP+4*DOUBLE_LINE_GAP, list[entry_number].name);
text(INPUT_LEFT+2*DOUBLE_LINE_GAP, INPUT_TOP+.05, list[entry_number].help1);
text(INPUT_LEFT+2*DOUBLE_LINE_GAP, INPUT_TOP+.08, list[entry_number].help2);
inpoff = textwidth(list[entry_number].name)/xmax+.01;
/* Loop while numbers are being entered */
text(INPUT_LEFT+inpoff+(count+1)/100.0, INPUT_TOP+.02, “_”);
/* screen for too many chars, and no control keys */
while((count < 12) && ((in = getch()) != ENTER) && (in != 0)) {
if(((in >= ‘0’) && (in <= ‘9’)) || (in == ‘.’) || ((in == ‘-’) && (count == 0))) {
/* update screen input line */
text(INPUT_LEFT+inpoff+count/100.0, INPUT_TOP+.02, work2);
text(INPUT_LEFT+inpoff+(count+1)/100.0, INPUT_TOP+.02, “_”);
text(INPUT_LEFT+inpoff+(count)/100.0, INPUT_TOP+.02, “_”);
/* beep in case of input error */
/* look for control and cursor keys */
if(in == DOWN_ARROW) up_down = DOWN;
if(in == UP_ARROW) up_down = UP;
if(printes() == ERROR) {error = PRINTER_ERROR;}
if(printer() == ERROR) {error = PRINTER_ERROR;}
/* Check for numerical input error */
if((count > 0) && (count < 12)) {
if(count == 12) error = ERROR;
/* Clear input box and indicate error if they have occured */
box(x-.01, y+.045, x+.30, y-.015, BLACK, NEW);
if((error == ERROR) || (error == PRINTER_ERROR)) {
text(INPUT_LEFT+2*DOUBLE_LINE_GAP, INPUT_BOTTOM-.05, “INPUT ERROR: (Hit any key to clear)”);
text(INPUT_LEFT+2*DOUBLE_LINE_GAP, INPUT_BOTTOM-.05, “PRINTER ERROR: (Hit any key to clear)”);
/* update to new menu choice */
entry_number = entry_number + up_down;
if(entry_number < 0) entry_number = 7;
if(entry_number > 7) entry_number = 0;
* This routine will prepare the screen and dump it to an EPSON type
* printer. This will not do the printing, but will use the routines
* PRINTES() to do the printing.
/* Do the time sort of thing */
/* Clear input boxes on current screen */
box(xx-.01, yy+.045, xx+.30, yy-.015, BLACK, NEW);
/* Add design date to screen */
text(INPUT_LEFT, INPUT_TOP-.05, “Design Date :”);
text(INPUT_LEFT, INPUT_TOP, asctime(times));
* This routine will copy the screen to an EPSON type
* printer. This will constitute a hard copy output. This routine was
* prepared with the help of a basic routine written by Peter Budgell and
* Bernard Julien. The basic operation is to read a pixel from the
static int x, y, z, count, bit, error;
if((error = ((int)(biosprint(2, 7, 0)) & ERROR_BIT)) == 0) {
for(y = 0; y < (int)xmax; y = y + 8) {
biosprint(0, (int)(2*(ymax+PAGE_OFFSET))%256, 0);
biosprint(0, (int)(2*(ymax+PAGE_OFFSET))/256, 0);
for(x = 0; x < PAGE_OFFSET; x++) {
for(x = (int)ymax; x > 0; x--) {
count = count + bit*(getpixel(y+z, x) != BLACK);
* This routine will use the previous input value to determine input
* validity, and update valid inputs. The value will be taken from
* the WORK string and then considered for the current input.
if(work[0] == 0) error = NO_ERROR;
if((entry_number == 0) && (i_result > 0) && (i_result < L_BEAM+2)) {
if(beam_type != i_result-1) error = REVISED;
if((entry_number == 1) && (i_result > 0) && (i_result < ALUMINUM+2)) {
if(beam_material != i_result-1) error = REVISED;
if((entry_number == 2) && (f_result > 0.025) && (f_result < beam_width/2) && (f_result < beam_height/2)) {
if(beam_thick != f_result) error = REVISED;
if((entry_number == 3) && (f_result > beam_thick*2.0) && (f_result < 60.0)) {
if(beam_height != f_result) error = REVISED;
if((entry_number == 4) && (f_result > beam_thick/2.0) && (f_result < 60.0)) {
if(beam_width != f_result) error = REVISED;
if((entry_number == 5) && (f_result > 0.0) && (f_result < 200.0) && (f_result >= beam_point)) {
if(beam_length != f_result) error = REVISED;
if((entry_number == 6) && (f_result >= 0.0) && (f_result <= beam_length)) {
if(beam_point != f_result) error = REVISED;
if((entry_number == 7) && (abs(f_result) < 10000000.0)) {
if(beam_load != f_result) error = REVISED;
void text(double x, double y, char *text)
* A routine to make text statements more readable, by allowing entry in
outtextxy(x * xmax, y * ymax, text);
void draw_line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
* A routine to simplify line statements by allowing normalized calls.
line((int)(x1*xmax), (int)(y1*ymax), (int)(x2*xmax), (int)(y2*ymax));
void box(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int color, int refresh)
* This routine will simply draw a box with double lines , or erase
/* Erase box contents if flag set */
setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, BLACK);
floodfill((int)(((x2 + x1)/2.0)*xmax), (int)(((y1 + y2)/2.0) * ymax), color);
* This section will produce all beam graphics and dimensions
x_s = xmax/2 + 3*EXTENSION + 40;
if(x_axis != x_centroid) y_e = y_e + EXTENSION;
if(y_axis == y_centroid) x_s = xmax/2 + 2*EXTENSION + 40;
scale_x = (x_e: x_s) / beam_height / X_Y_RATIO;
scale_y = (y_e: y_s) / beam_height;
if(beam_width >= beam_height){
scale_x = (x_e: x_s) / beam_width / X_Y_RATIO;
scale_y = (y_e: y_s) / beam_width;
cx2 = x_s + (int)(scale_x * beam_thick);
cx3 = x_s + (int)(scale_x * (beam_width: beam_thick) / 2);
cx4 = x_s + (int)(scale_x * (beam_width + beam_thick) / 2);
cx5 = x_s + (int)(scale_x * (beam_width: beam_thick));
cx6 = x_s + (int)(scale_x * beam_width);
cy2 = y_s + (int)(scale_y * beam_thick);
cy3 = y_s + (int)(scale_y * (beam_height: beam_thick) / 2);
cy4 = y_s + (int)(scale_y * (beam_height + beam_thick) / 2);
cy5 = y_s + (int)(scale_y * (beam_height: beam_thick));
cy6 = y_s + (int)(scale_y * beam_height);
x_c_offset = cx1 + scale_x * x_centroid;
y_c_offset = cy1 + scale_y * y_centroid;
x_offset = cx1 + scale_x * x_axis;
y_offset = cy1 + scale_y * y_axis;
{outtextxy(cx1: EXTENSION, cy6: 2*EXTENSION-15, “BEAM CROSS SECTION”);}
else {outtextxy(cx1: EXTENSION, cy6: EXTENSION-15, “BEAM CROSS SECTION”);}
/* Title for beam deflection */
text(.54, .76, “EXAGERATED BEAM DEFLECTION (simple supports)”);
if(draw_beam == CHANNEL_BEAM) {
if(draw_beam == HOLLOW_BEAM) {
/* Draw beam for bending display */
line((int)(.60*xmax), (int)(.90*ymax), (int)(.60*xmax), (int)(.88*ymax));
line((int)(.90*xmax), (int)(.90*ymax), (int)(.90*xmax), (int)(.88*ymax));
if(fabs(beam_deflect/beam_length) > 0.00001) {
de = beam_length/6.0*beam_deflect/fabs(beam_deflect);
for(px = 0.0; px <= deflect_point; px = px + beam_length/200){
py = ((de-de*pow(((deflect_point -px)/deflect_point), 2.0))/beam_length) * (.1) + .88;
putpixel((int)((.6+px/beam_length*.3)*xmax), (int)(py*ymax), CYAN);
putpixel((int)((.6+px/beam_length*.3)*xmax), (int)((py+.02)*ymax), CYAN);
for(px = deflect_point; px <= beam_length; px = px + beam_length/200){
py = ((de-de*pow(((px-deflect_point)/(beam_length: deflect_point)), 2.0))/beam_length) * (.1) + .88;
putpixel((int)((.6+px/beam_length*.3)*xmax), (int)(py*ymax), CYAN);
putpixel((int)((.6+px/beam_length*.3)*xmax), (int)((py+.02)*ymax), CYAN);
line((int)(.60*xmax), (int)(.90*ymax), (int)(.90*xmax), (int)(.90*ymax));
line((int)(.60*xmax), (int)(.88*ymax), (int)(.90*xmax), (int)(.88*ymax));
/* Fill Beam Cross section if thick enough */
setfillstyle(LTSLASH_FILL, 7+beam_material);
if(((cx2-cx1) > 2) && ((cy1: cy2) > 2)){
floodfill(cx1 + 1, cy1: 1, CYAN);
floodfill(cx1 + 1, cy6 + 1, CYAN);
line(xmax*.60, ymax*.90 + 3, xmax*.60, ymax*.90 + EXTENSION);
line(xmax*.90, ymax*.90 + 3, xmax*.90, ymax*.90 + EXTENSION);
line(xmax*.60, ymax*.90 + 10, xmax*.90, ymax*.90 + 10);
sprintf(work, “%.3f in.”, beam_length);
offset = .30 * (beam_point / beam_length) + .60;
line(xmax*.6, ymax*.88: 3, xmax*.6, ymax*.88: EXTENSION);
line(xmax*offset, ymax*.88: 3, xmax*offset, ymax*.88: EXTENSION);
line(xmax*.6, ymax*.88: 10, xmax*offset, ymax*.88: 10);
line(xmax*offset, ymax*.88: 3, xmax*offset -3, ymax*.88: 8);
line(xmax*offset, ymax*.88: 3, xmax*offset +3, ymax*.88: 8);
sprintf(work, “%.3f in.”, beam_point);
sprintf(work, “%.3f lb.”, beam_load);
line(cx1, cy1+3, cx1, cy1 + EXTENSION);
line(cx6, cy1+3, cx6, cy1 + EXTENSION);
line(cx1, cy1 + 10, cx6, cy1 + 10);
sprintf(work, “%.3f in.”, beam_width);
outtextxy(cx1 + 10, cy1+15, work);
/* Height and Thickness Dimensions */
settextstyle(SMALL_FONT, VERT_DIR, 4);
line(cx6+3, cy1, cx6+EXTENSION, cy1);
line(cx6+3, cy6, cx6+EXTENSION, cy6);
line(cx6+10, cy1, cx6+10, cy6);
sprintf(work, “%.3f in.”, beam_height);
outtextxy(cx6 + EXTENSION, cy1-10-textwidth(work), work);
/* Draw Thickness Dimension for all but solid beam */
line(cx1-EXTENSION, cy1, cx1-3, cy1);
line(cx1-EXTENSION, cy2, cx1-3, cy2);
line(cx1-10, cy1, cx1-10, cy1+15);
line(cx1-10, cy2, cx1-10, cy2-15);
sprintf(work, “%.3f in.”, beam_thick);
outtextxy(cx1-15, cy2-10-textwidth(work), work);
/* Principal and centroid y axis dimensions */
line(cx1-EXTENSION, cy1, cx1-2*EXTENSION, cy1);
line(cx1-EXTENSION-3, y_offset, cx1-2*EXTENSION, y_offset);
line(cx1-EXTENSION-10, cy1, cx1-EXTENSION-10, cy1+15);
line(cx1-EXTENSION-10, y_offset, cx1-EXTENSION-10, y_offset-15);
sprintf(work, “%.3f in.”, y_axis);
outtextxy(cx1-EXTENSION-15, y_offset-10-textwidth(work), work);
line(cx1-2*EXTENSION, cy1, cx1-3*EXTENSION, cy1);
line(cx1-2*EXTENSION-3, y_c_offset, cx1-3*EXTENSION, y_c_offset);
line(cx1-2*EXTENSION-10, cy1, cx1-2*EXTENSION-10, cy1+15);
line(cx1-2*EXTENSION-10, y_c_offset, cx1-2*EXTENSION-10, y_c_offset-15);
sprintf(work, “%.3f in.”, y_centroid);
outtextxy(cx1-2*EXTENSION-15, y_c_offset-10-textwidth(work), work);
settextstyle(SMALL_FONT, HORIZ_DIR, 4);
/* Principal and centroid x axis dimensions */
line(cx1, cy6-3, cx1, cy6: EXTENSION);
line(x_offset, cy6-3, x_offset, cy6-EXTENSION);
line(cx1-EXTENSION, cy6-10, cx1, cy6-10);
line(x_offset, cy6-10, x_offset+EXTENSION, cy6-10);
sprintf(work, “%.3f in.”, x_axis);
outtextxy(x_offset + 10, cy6-EXTENSION, work);
line(cx1, cy6-EXTENSION-3, cx1, cy6: 2*EXTENSION);
line(x_c_offset, cy6-EXTENSION-3, x_c_offset, cy6: 2*EXTENSION);
line(cx1-EXTENSION, cy6-EXTENSION-10, cx1, cy6-EXTENSION-10);
line(x_c_offset, cy6-EXTENSION-10, x_c_offset+EXTENSION, cy6-EXTENSION-10);
sprintf(work, “%.3f in.”, x_centroid);
outtextxy(x_c_offset + 10, cy6: 2*EXTENSION, work);
setlinestyle(CENTER_LINE, 0, NORM_WIDTH);
line(x_offset, cy1+5, x_offset, cy6-5);
line(cx1-5, y_offset, cx6+5, y_offset);
setlinestyle(DASHED_LINE, 0, NORM_WIDTH);
line(x_c_offset, cy1+5, x_c_offset, cy6-5);
line(cx1-5, y_c_offset, cx6+5, y_c_offset);
setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE, 0, NORM_WIDTH);
* This will deinitialize the graphics routines initialized earlier.