9.1.1 Library

• The library has an excellent selection of journals, reference books, trade magazines, and textbooks. (Other local libraries could also be used)


9.1.2 Internet - Mosaic documents:

• Using workstations, or IBM PCs equipped with mosaic software, run the software, and open the files below.


• Rapid Prototyping:




• VR In manufacturing

http://nemo.ncsl.nist.gov/~sressler/projects/mfg/mfgVRcases.html - Telnet

• Telnet allows free connection to sites, and is available on all UNIX machines

• AWS Caucus (amweld.org), Sponsored by the American Welding Society. Topic; Flux-cored-arc-welding, ISO9000, technical help, certification, a database of Welding Journal articles.

• FEDWORLD (fedworld.gov) Sponsored by National Technical Information Service. Gateway to over 130 government bbs’

• TMS Online (online.tms.org), Sponsored by The Minerals, Metals, Materials Society. Has conference proceedings, announcements, calendar. (see telnet above) - Modem


• A list of Bulletin boards, etc. are given below for phoneup access to information (Note: you will at least pay long distance for these, and possibly user charges also)


• AWS Caucus (800) 447-9915, 9600 baud (see telnet above), Sponsored by the American Welding Society. Topic; Flux-cored-arc-welding, ISO9000, technical help, certification, a database of Welding Journal articles.

• Business Gold--NTTC Online (304)243-2560, 9600baud 7bit, Even parity, 1 stop, Sponsored by the National Technology Transfer Center. Access to the directory of federal laboratories, federal technology available for licencing, and small business innovative research solicitations. Current technology transfer news, events calendar, and publications list.

• Computer Plumber BBS (319)337-6723, 19,200 baud. Devoted to engineers who work with industrial applications of computers. Shareware files. System operator maintains extensive bbs list.

• The Depot BBS (717)853-3599, 14.4 kbaud. Extensive collection of CAD, CAM, and CAE related shareware and discussion groups (conferences).

• Digital X-Connect BBS (214)517-8443 9600 baud. General information of interest to engineers, technicians, and technical managers. Free on-line resume service and job postings.

• EBB--Economic Bulletin Board (202)482-2584, 9600 baud, $45 annual subscription fee and per minute charges. Operated by US department of commerce. topics: economic data, export leads, and market research, press releases from various US government agencies.

• FEDWORLD (703)321-8020, 9600 baud, Sponsored by National Technical Information Service. Gateway to over 130 government bbs’. (see telnet above)

• Finishing TEchnology Hotline (201)838-0113, 2400 baud, Sponsored by Metal Finishing magazine, Topics: painting, anodizing, pickling, powder coating, commercials suppliers, etc.

• HMIX BBS Hazardous Materials Information Exchange (708)972-3275, 9600 baud. Topics: material lists, instructional material, laws, regulations, US govt. contacts.

• Industrial Forum (209)267-9379, 14.4 kbaud, Sponsored by CCI Training Services. Topics: surface preparation, painting, coating, paper and pulp mills, pipelines and tanks, inspection and quality control, environmental control, govt regulations.

• MatChat BBS (510)655-1753, 14.4 kbaud. A materials oriented bulletin board system.

• MechEng (ASME) (608)233-3378, 9600 baud Basically a very wide range of discussion topics, and software for IBM PCs and MacIntoshes.

• MIC-NET (Manufacturing and Inventory Control Network) (719) 687-7222, 28kbaud, Software: MRP, Inventory control, mechanical engineering, TQM, SPC.

• SME On-Line (313)271-3424, 14.4 kbaud. Manufacturing related freeware and shareware, discussion groups, etc.

• Statistics BBS (316)687-0578, 9600 baud, Topics: reliability, quality, experiment design, SPC, industrial statistics.

• TMS Online (412)776-2040, 2400 baud, Sponsored by The Minerals, Metals, Materials Society. Has conference proceedings, announcements, calendar. (see telnet above)


9.1.3 Other Ideas


• Contact equipment manufacturers, they might help you, or even provide technical details.

• Contact manufacturers that use the process, their production engineers may be able to help.

• Trade shows.

• Be creative! - Gopher - ReadNews - ftp




• Popular Sites,

wuarchive.wustl.edu - massive archives of software, a very old site.

sunsite.unc.ca - a site sponsored by Sun Microsystems, with a good selection of software for all platforms