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PLACE OF BIRTH: Scarborough, Ontario
POST-SECONDARY The University of Western Ontario
EDUCATION AND London, Ontario, Canada
DEGREES: 1984-1988 B.E.Sc. Electrical
The University of Western Ontario
HONOURS AND AWARDS: Masters of Engineering Science
Special University Scholarship
RELATED WORK Research Assistant
EXPERIENCE: The University of Western Ontario
The University of Western Ontario
(1) Lee, D.M.A., Jack H., ElMaraghy, W.H., and Buchal, R.O. (1990) “Neural Network Solutions For Robot Inverse Kinematic Control”, Proceedings of the CSME Mechanical Engineering Forum, Toronto, Canada.
(2) Jack, H., Lee, D.M.A., Buchal, R.O., ElMaraghy, W.H., “Neural Networks and the Inverse Kinematics Problem”, Submitted to the Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing.
(3) H. Jack, R.O. Buchal, "An Automated Workcell for Teaching and Research", Submitted to the Western Journal for Graduate Research.
(4) H.Jack, “Application of Neural Networks to Robot Motion Planning and Control”, Masters Thesis at The University of Western Ontario, January 1991.