• read the chapters and do drill problems as you read
• examine the case studies - these pull together concepts from previous chapters
• problems at the ends of chapters are provided for further practice
Tools that should be used include,
• computer algebra software that can solve differential equations, such as Scilab
• students are assumed to have some knowledge of C programming and hopefully access to microcontroller hards. Most of the examples in the book are for the Atmel AVR family of microcontrollers.
• graphing calculator that can solve differential equations, such as a TI-85
Supplemental materials at the end of this book include,
• a summary of math topics important for engineers
• a table of generally useful engineering units
• properties of common materials
Dr. Hal Larson for reviewing the calculus and numerical methods chapters
Dr. Wendy Reffeor for reviewing the translation chapter
Dr. Nael Barakat for numerous suggestions and corrections
a basic statics and mechanics of materials course
math up to differential equations
a general knowledge of physics
computer programming, preferably in ’C’
- despite all common wisdom, inertia is presented as a force, this makes it easier for students attempting to learn, and keep sign conventions correct
revise the motor model to non-linear
add details on eigenvectors and homogeneous solutions
split the calculus chapter into diff eq and first/second order
consider adding/writing this chapter
consider adding/writing this chapter