eNotes: Quality Control



Used to estimate the probability of lot rejection, and design sampling plans.

Drawing the single sampling curve (assuming Poisson distribution)

Double sampling curves

Factors that vary OC curves

Producers/Consumers risk

The basic trade-off to be considered when designing sampling plans.

- The producer does not want to have lots with higher rejects than the AQL to be rejected. Typically lots have acceptance levels at 95% when at AQL. This gives a producers risk of a = 100% - 95% = 5%. In real terms this means if products are near the AQL, they have a 5% chance of being rejected even though they are acceptable.

- The consumer/customer does not want to accept clearly unacceptable parts. If the quality is beyond a second unacceptable limit, the LQL (Lower Quality Level) they will typically be accepted 10% of the time, giving a consumers risk of b = 10%. This limit is also known as the LTPD (Lot Tolerance Percent Defective) or RQL (Rejectable Quality Level).

AOQ (Average Outgoing Quality)

AOQ (Average Outgoing Quality) - a simple relationship between quality shipped and quality accepted.

ASN (Average Sample Number) - the number of samples the receiver has to do


On the other hand, given consumers risk (b) and Lower Quality Level (LQL), we can follow a similar approach, still using the table on pg. 314

Given a and AQL, and b and LQL we can also find a best fit plan through trial and error.

READING: chapter 8, pg. 283-320

PROBLEMS: pg. 321- #1, 4, 7, 14, 17, 22

4.5.1 Practice Problems

1. Show the effect of lot screening if the sample size is n=100 and the reject limit is c=1.


a) Develop a double sampling plan OC curve given that,

N = 1000
n1 = 50
c1 = 2
r1 = 4
n2 = 100
c2 = 3

b) What is the AOQL?

3. a) Develop Operating Characteristic (OC) curves for the three cases below,

a) N = 1000, n = 20, c = 4

b) N = 1000, n = 40, c = 8

c) N = 1000, n = 80, c = 16

b) For each curve indicate the AQL and RQL for a producer risk of 5% and a consumer risk of 10%

(ans. for n=20,c=4, AQL=10%, RQL=40%, for n=40,c=8, AQL=11.8%,RQL=33%, for n=80,c=16, AQL=13.8%,RQL=N.A.)


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