A.16 P
parallel communication - bits are passed in parallel conductors, thus increasing the transmission rates dramatically.
parallel design process - evaluates all aspects of the design simultaneously in each iteration. The design itself is sent to all analysis modules including manufacturability, inspectibility, and engineering analysis modules; redesign decisions are based on all results at once.
parity - a parity bit is often added to bytes for error detection purposes. The two typical parity methods are even and odd. Even parity bits are set when an even number of bits are present in the transmitted data (often 1 byte = 8 bits).
Pascal's law - any force applied to a fluid will be transmitted through the fluid and act on all enclosing surfaces.
PCB (Printed Circuit Board) - alternate layers of insulating materials, with wire layout patterns are built up (sometimes with several layers). Holes thought the layers are used to connect the conductors to each other, and components inserted into the boards and soldered in place.
PDES (Product Data Exchange using Step) - a new product design method that has attempted to include all needed information for all stages of a products life, including full solids modeling, tolerances, etc.
peer-to-peer - a communications form where connected devices to both read and write messages at any time. This is opposed to a master slave arrangement.
performance variables - are parameters which define the operation of the part. Performance variables are used by the designer to measure whether the part will perform satisfactorily.
permanent magnet - a magnet that retains a magnetic field when the original magnetizing force is removed.
photoconductive cell - a device that has a resistance that will change as the number of incident photons changes.
photon - a single unit of light. Light is electromagnetic energy emitted as an electron orbit decays.
PID (Proportional Integral Derivative) - a linear feedback control scheme that has gained popularity because of it's relative simplicity.
piezoelectric - a material (crystals/ceramics) that will generate a charge when a force is applied. A common transducer material.
ping - an internet utility that makes a simple connection to a remote machine to see if it is reachable, and if it is operating.
pitch - a perceptual term for describing frequency. Low pitch means low frequency, high pitch means a higher frequency.
pixels - are picture elements in a digitally generated and displayed picture. A pixel is the smallest addressable dot on the display device.
PLA (Programmable Logic Array) - an integrated circuit that can be programmed to perform different logic functions.
PNP - a bipolar junction transistor type. When referring to switching, these can be used to source current from a voltage source.
port - 1. an undedicated connector that peripherals may be connected to. 2. a definable connection number for a machine, or a predefined value.
positive logic - the normal method for logic implementation where 1 is a high voltage, and 0 is a low voltage.
potting - a process where an area is filled with a material to seal it. An example is a sensor that is filled with epoxy to protect it from humidity.
power rating - this is generally the maximum power that a device can supply, or that it will require. Never exceed these values, as they may result in damaged equipment, fires, etc.
power supply - a device that converts power to a usable form. A typical type uses 115Vac and outputs a DC voltage to be used by circuitry.
PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) - allows router to router or host to network connections over other synchronous and asynchronous connections. For example a modem connection can be used to connect to the internet using PPP.
procedural language - a computer language where instructions happen one after the other in a clear sequence.
process - a purposeful set of steps for some purpose. In engineering a process is often a machine, but not necessarily.
programmable controller - another name for a PLC, it can also refer to a dedicated controller that uses a custom programming language.
proximity sensor - a sensor that will detect the presence of a mass nearby without contact. These use a variety of physical techniques including capacitance and inductance.
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