eBook: Dynamic System Modeling and Control



The paragraphs below briefly describe many of the technical reports written by engineers. In general, reports give necessary background, discuss details and then draw conclusions from them. The credibility of a report is based upon the evidence it contains. This evidence then supports the conclusions drawn or message given by the author.

Laboratory. A description of one or more experiments, the results, and the conclusions drawn from them.

Consulting. A summary of details, test results, observations, and a set of conclu-sions. Typically they will also contain a recommendation.

Project. A description of work done in a project to inform other engineers who may be asked to take up further work on the project.

Research. A summary of current advances in a topic. This should end with some comparison of alternatives.

Interim. A report to apprise supervisors and others as to the progress of a project or other major undertaking.

Executive. A brief summary of the report, and any implications for decision mak-ing at the management levels.

Proposals. A technical document describing a project for the purposes of obtain-ing permission to proceed.

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