eBook: Integration and Automation of Manufacturing Systems



This section outlines the steps and choices that were used while installing Redhat 7.0. You can also refer to other installation guides (www.redhat.com) in the event of problems.

0. If necessary, create the boot CDs and or floppies.
1. Open the computer to determine the following information.
- video card type and memory
- network card type
- mouse type (typically PS/2)
- boot device - if it can boot from CDrom set that as the first boot device
2. Insert the distribution floppy disk and CD and turn on the computer. The computer will start to boot automatically. When "Boot" appears, press enter to continue. After some time a graphical interface should appear and you will be asked questions.
3. The choices that I made follow in sequence. You should adapt these to the computer you have. The settings I expect you will need to change are marked with an asterisk '*'.
Language selection - English
Keyboard - Generic 101-key PC
- US English
- Enable dead keys
*Mouse - Microsoft Intellimouse
Install Options - Custom System
Partitioning - using disk druid
Delete all disk partitions
*Add a partition - mount '/', size 1500MB, partition type Linux Native. Set the file system as ext3, and check for bad blocks.
*Add a partition - partition type Linux Swap, size remaining at least 50MB
Boot loader - grub (don't change settings)
No grub password
Use DHCP and make it active on boot
Firewall configuration - no firewall
Additional language support - add others only if you want them
Time zone - America/Detroit
Account Configuration
- entered a root password
*- added a user account for myself 'jackh'
Authentication Configuration - left all as is
Selecting Package Groups - the following list were the only ones chosen
Printer Support
Classic X windows support
X Window System
Sound and multimedia support
Network support
Dialup support
Messaging and web tools
Graphics and image manipulation
SQL Database server
Web server
Authoring and publishing
Legacy application support
Software development
Kernel development
Windows compatibility
Games and entertainment
X Configuration
*- Generic High Freq. SVGA 1024x768 @ 70Hz
*- ATI Mach 64, 1MB memory
- don't set 'use graphical login'
4. Installation will start and it takes about 30-60 minutes.
5. When done you will be prompted to put a formatted floppy disk in the drive and create a boot disk. This is good for emergencies and is highly encouraged. Don't forget to label the disk.
6. Select your monitor (check the back for a label).
7. Customize the graphics configuration. I chose 16 bit color, 1024 by 768 resolution (test the setting), Gnome, Text login (very helpful).
8. When prompted reboot the system. Don't forget to remove the floppy and CDROM.
9. Once the system has rebooted, login as root. Start XWindows using 'startx'.
10. If you reach this point you have completed the installation successfully.
11. Set up the printer with "system settings", "printer configuration", then use the "jet direct" setting the IP address to '' and select a PS (postscript) printer.
12. Set up the server with "server configuration" and set the server name to your first name.
13. Go to "service configuration" and turn on the services below. After activating each one use 'restart' to activate them. When done, exit and save the settings.
httpd - the web server
postgresql - the database server
telnet - to log in remotely
14. Test the web server with 'mozilla' and use the address 'localhost'.


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