eBook: Integration and Automation of Manufacturing Systems



2. Write a short program to direct a robot to pick up and put down a block. Assume the points have already been programmed with the teach pendants.

a) Write program for the IBM 7535.
b) Write program for the Seiko RT-3000.

10. You have been asked to write a program for a Seiko RT-3000. The program is to pick up a part at point T1, move to point T2, and then load the part into a pallet. The robot should then return to point A to pick up then next part. This should continue until the pallet is full.

T1 = (300, 300, 20)

T2 = (-300, 300, 0)

Pallet has 6 rows and 7 columns

Pallet origin T3 = (300, 0, 0)

Pallet end of row T4 = (350, 0, 0)

Pallet end of column T5 = (300, 60, 0)

11. An IBM 7535 industrial robot is to be used to unload small 1 lb. cardboard boxes (5" by 4" by 1") from a conveyor, and stack them in a large cardboard box (20" by 8" and 2" deep). After the large box is loaded, it will be removed automatically and replaced with an empty one. The conveyor will be controlled by a robot output, and it will be stopped when an optical sensor detects a small box. When the box is full the conveyor will be stopped and a light turned on until an unload button is pushed. The entire system uses a start and stop button combination. The stop button is not an e-stop, but it will stop the cycle after the small box is placed in the large box.

a) Layout the position of the conveyor, sensor, large box and robot so that all positions can be reached. Indicate critical points of objects.
b) Design a robot gripper to pick up the boxes.
c) Develop a flow chart for the robot operations.
d) Write an AML program for the flowchart.

12. Repeat the previous problem for the Seiko RT-3000 robot.

14. The IBM 7535 robot arm moves its TCP to point (-450, 250)mm at speeds programmed by `payload(5)' and decelerates from the resultant speed to zero in 0.5 seconds. The tool has a mass of 1.5 kg with its center of gravity at 3cm from the TCP and transfers a mass of 4kg with its C.G. at 5cm from the TCP.

a) determine the inertia torque about the theta1 axis showing all correct units
b) compare the value in a) with a maximum inertia torque estimated from decelerating a 6kg mass from 1100mm/s to zero in 0.5 sec.
c) Estimate the combined error at the CG of the load due to theta1 and theta 2 resolution


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