eBook: Integration and Automation of Manufacturing Systems



Purpose: Basic robot interfacing


Pre-Lab (individual):

1. Develop a program that will put down and pick up balls at two different point for both robots.
2. Test both programs on-line.
3. Plan for a mode of robot operation either one robot can deposit a ball in a center pickup point, or at their own private pickup points. (Only a single ball will be used) Each robot will have a button connected to it. If the robot button and the other robot has the button, the robot will request the ball from other robot (using an I/O line). A list of the inputs and outputs is given below. Develop a simple diagram showing outputs and inputs to connect two robots and sensors. Develop a state diagram for the operation of both robots. Rewrite the robot programs from step 1 so that they will use the inputs.
input #1 ball in my private point
input #2 other robot wants ball
input #3 ball request button
output #1 request ball from other robot

In-Lab (groups of 4):

1. The instructor will discuss interfacing issues.
2. Each group should do each of the three parts below in turn.
1a. Test programs on the RV-M1, and add grippers/fixtures as required
1b. Test programs on the RT-3000, and add grippers/fixtures as required
1c. Connect and test the wiring for each of the robots and the interface
2. Integrate all of the equipment for the final task.


1. Individually developed programs for the robots.
2. Group programs for the robots and PLC.


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