eBook: Integration and Automation of Manufacturing Systems



These functions use values in memory, and store the results back in memory (Note: these functions do not use variables like normal programming languages.)

Math functions are quite similar. The following example adds the integer and floating point number and puts the results in `F8:36'.

Basic PLC-5 math functions include,

ADD(value,value,destination) - add two values
SUB(value,value,destination) - subtract
MUL(value,value,destination) - multiply
DIV(value,value,destination) - divide
NEG(value,destination) - reverse sign from positive/negative
CLR(value) - clear the memory location

Consider the example below,

As an exercise, try the calculation below with ladder logic,

Some intermediate math functions include,

CPT(destination,expression) - does a calculation
ACS(value,destination) - inverse cosine
COS(value,destination) - cosine
ASN(value,destination) - inverse sine
SIN(value,destination) - sine
ATN(value,destination) - inverse tangent
TAN(value,destination) - tangent
XPY(value,value,destination) - X to the power of Y
LN(value,destination) - natural log
LOG(value,destination) - base 10 log
SQR(value,destination) - square root

Examples of some of these functions are given below.

For practice implement the following function,

Some functions are well suited to statistics.

AVE(start value,destination,control,length) - average of values
STD(start value,destination,control,length) - standard deviation of values
SRT(start value,control,length) - sort a list of values

Examples of these functions are given below.

There are also functions for basic data conversion.

TOD(value,destination) - convert from BCD to binary
FRD(value,destination) - convert from binary to BCD
DEG(value,destination) - convert from radians to degrees
RAD(value,destination) - convert from degrees to radians

Examples of these functions are given below.


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