eBook: Integration and Automation of Manufacturing Systems



Listing 16.1 - DAS08 Driver Header File (das08_io.h)

#include "../include/global.h"

#ifndef _DAS08__
#define _DAS08__

#define CARDBASE 0x300

#define ADCHIGH 0 // AD Data Registers
#define ADCLOW 1

/* A/D Status and Control Register */
#define ADCSTATUS 2

/* Auxiliary port on analog bus */
#define PORTAUX 2

/* Programmable Gain Register */
#define GAIN 3

/* Counter Load & Read Registers */
#define LOADREAD1 4
#define LOADREAD2 5
#define LOADREAD3 6

#define CCONFIGPORT 7 // Counter Control Register

/* D/A 0 Control Registers */
#define DAC0LOW 8
#define DAC0HIGH 9

/* D/A 1 Control Registers */
#define DAC1LOW 10
#define DAC1HIGH 11

/* 82C55 Digital I/O Registers */
#define PORTA 12
#define PORTB 13
#define PORTC 14
#define PORTCL 12345 /* real port is 0x30e bits 0-3 */
#define PORTCH 6789 /* real port is 0x30e bits 4-7 */

/* 82C55 Control Register */
#define DCONFIGPORT 15

#define DIGITALOUT 1
#define DIGITALIN 2
#define ONESHOT 1
#define SQUAREWAVE 3

/* Range Codes */
#define BIP10VOLTS 0x08
#define BIP5VOLTS 0x00
#define BIP2PT5VOLTS 0x02
#define BIP1PT25VOLTS 0x04
#define BIPPT625VOLTS 0x06
#define UNI10VOLTS 0x01
#define UNI5VOLTS 0x03
#define UNI2PT5VOLTS 0x05
#define UNI1PT25VOLTS 0x07

class das08{
int base; // card setup information
int chan0;
int chan1;

int portA; // port data directions
int portB;
int portCL;
int portCH;

int *data_portA; // hooks to global values
int *data_portB;
int *data_portCL;
int *data_portCH;
int *data_portXI;
int *data_portXO;
int *data_AI0;
int *data_AI1;
int *data_AI2;
int *data_AI3;
int *data_AI4;
int *data_AI5;
int *data_AI6;
int *data_AI7;
int *data_AO0;
int *data_AO1;


int configure(char*);
int connect();
int scan();
int disconnect();
int DConfigPort(int, int);
int DIn(int, int*);
int DBitIn(int, int, int*);
int DOut(int, int);
int DBitOut(int, int, int);

int C8254Config(int, int);
int CLoad(int, int);
int CIn(int, int*);

int AIn(int, int*);
int AOut(int, int);


Listing 16.2 - DAS08 Driver File (das08_io.cpp)

#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/io.h>

#include "das08_io.h"
#include "../include/process.h"

int bits[]={0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80};

base = CARDBASE; // default cardbase
chan0 = BIP10VOLTS; // default AD ranges
chan1 = BIP10VOLTS;


int das08::configure(char *file_name){
int error;
FILE *fp_in;
char params[200];

error = NO_ERROR;
if((fp_in = fopen(file_name, "r")) != NULL){
fgets(params, 200, fp_in);
while(feof(fp_in) == 0){
if((params[0] != '#') && (strlen(params) > 3)){
if(params[0] == 'B'){
base = atoi(&(params[1]));
} else if(strncmp("A0", params, 2) == 0){
if(strncmp("BIP10VOLTS", &(params[2]), 10) == 0){ chan0 = BIP10VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("BIP5VOLTS", &(params[2]), 9) == 0){ chan0 = BIP5VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("BIP2PT5VOLTS", &(params[2]), 12) == 0){ chan0 = BIP2PT5VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("BIP1PT25VOLTS", &(params[2]), 13) == 0){ chan0 = BIP1PT25VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("BIPPT625VOLTS", &(params[2]), 13) == 0){ chan0 = BIPPT625VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("UNI10VOLTS", &(params[2]), 10) == 0){ chan0 = UNI10VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("UNI5VOLTS", &(params[2]), 9) == 0){ chan0 = UNI5VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("UNI2PT5VOLTS", &(params[2]), 12) == 0){ chan0 = UNI2PT5VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("UNI1PT25VOLTS", &(params[2]), 13) == 0){ chan0 = UNI1PT25VOLTS;
} else {
error_log(MINOR, "Unrecognized DAS08 analog A0 output range");
error = ERROR;
} else if(strncmp("A1", params, 2) == 0){
if(strncmp("BIP10VOLTS", &(params[2]), 10) == 0){ chan1 = BIP10VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("BIP5VOLTS", &(params[2]), 9) == 0){ chan1 = BIP5VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("BIP2PT5VOLTS", &(params[2]), 12) == 0){ chan1 = BIP2PT5VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("BIP1PT25VOLTS", &(params[2]), 13) == 0){ chan1 = BIP1PT25VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("BIPPT625VOLTS", &(params[2]), 13) == 0){ chan1 = BIPPT625VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("UNI10VOLTS", &(params[2]), 10) == 0){ chan1 = UNI10VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("UNI5VOLTS", &(params[2]), 9) == 0){ chan1 = UNI5VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("UNI2PT5VOLTS", &(params[2]), 12) == 0){ chan1 = UNI2PT5VOLTS;
} else if(strncmp("UNI1PT25VOLTS", &(params[2]), 13) == 0){ chan1 = UNI1PT25VOLTS;
} else {
error_log(MINOR, "Unrecognized DAS08 analog A1 output range");
error = ERROR;
} else if(strncmp("PAI", params, 3) == 0){ portA = DIGITALIN;
} else if(strncmp("PAO", params, 3) == 0){ portA = DIGITALOUT;
} else if(strncmp("PBI", params, 3) == 0){ portB = DIGITALIN;
} else if(strncmp("PBO", params, 3) == 0){ portB = DIGITALOUT;
} else if(strncmp("PCLI", params, 4) == 0){ portCL = DIGITALIN;
} else if(strncmp("PCLO", params, 4) == 0){ portCL = DIGITALOUT;
} else if(strncmp("PCHI", params, 4) == 0){ portCH = DIGITALIN;
} else if(strncmp("PCHO", params, 4) == 0){ portCH = DIGITALOUT;
} else {
error_log(MINOR, "DAS08 argument not recognized");
error = ERROR;
fgets(params, 200, fp_in);

return error;

int das08::connect(){
int error;

error = NO_ERROR;
if(ioperm(base, 16, 1) == 0){
DConfigPort(PORTA, portA);
DConfigPort(PORTB, portB);
DConfigPort(PORTCL, portCL);
DConfigPort(PORTCH, portCH);
} else {
error = ERROR;
error_log(MINOR, "Could not connect to DAS08 board - memory is probably in use");

return error;

int das08::scan(){
int error;

error = NO_ERROR;
// update digital ports
if(portA == DIGITALIN){DIn(PORTA, data_portA);
} else {DOut(PORTA, data_portA[0]);}
if(portB == DIGITALIN){DIn(PORTB, data_portB);
} else {DOut(PORTB, data_portB[0]);}
if(portCL == DIGITALIN){DIn(PORTCL, data_portCL);
} else {DOut(PORTCL, data_portCL[0]);}
if(portCH == DIGITALIN){DIn(PORTCH, data_portCH);
} else {DOut(PORTCH, data_portCH[0]);}
DOut(PORTAUX, data_portXO[0]);
DIn(PORTAUX, data_portXI);

// Update analog inputs
AIn(0, data_AI0);
AIn(1, data_AI1);
AIn(2, data_AI2);
AIn(3, data_AI3);
AIn(4, data_AI4);
AIn(5, data_AI5);
AIn(6, data_AI6);
AIn(7, data_AI7);
// Update analog outputs
AOut(0, data_AO0[0]);
AOut(1, data_AO1[0]);

return error;

int das08::disconnect(){
int error;

error = NO_ERROR;
if(ioperm(base, 16, 0) != 0){
error = ERROR;
error_log(MINOR, "Could not release the DAS08 board - memory is probably in use");

return error;

int das08::DConfigPort(int Port, int Direction){
// This command configures a port as an input or output.
// The Direction field can be either DIGITALIN or DIGITALOUT
// depending on whether the port is to be configured as an
// input or output. Valid ports are PORTA, PORTB, PORTCL and
// PORTCH. Direction bit can be either DIGITALIN or DIGITALOUT.
int error,
mask, OldByte, NewByte;

//printf("Configuring port %d with direction %d \n", Port, Direction);
error = NO_ERROR;
OldByte = inb(DCONFIGPORT + base); /*read the current register*/
if(Direction == DIGITALIN){ /* determine mask for DIGITALIN */
if(Port == PORTA){ mask = 0x10;
} else if(Port == PORTB){ mask = 0x02;
} else if(Port == PORTC){ mask = 0x09;
} else if(Port == PORTCL){ mask = 0x01; Port = PORTC;
} else if(Port == PORTCH){ mask = 0x08; Port = PORTC;
} else {
error_log(MINOR, "Digital port must be PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTCL or PORTCH");
error = ERROR;
mask = 0;
NewByte = OldByte | mask; /* new data for register */
} else if(Direction == DIGITALOUT){ /* determine mask for DIGITALOUT */
if(Port == PORTA){ mask = 0xef;
} else if(Port == PORTB){ mask = 0xfd;
} else if(Port == PORTC){ mask = 0xf6;
} else if(Port == PORTCL){ mask = 0xfe; Port = PORTC;
} else if(Port == PORTCH){ mask = 0xf7; Port = PORTC;
} else {
error_log(MINOR, "Digital port must be PORTA, PORTB, PORTC, PORTCL or PORTCH");
error = ERROR;
NewByte = OldByte & mask; /* new value for register */
} else {
error_log(MINOR, "Direction must be set to DIGITALIN or DIGITALOUT");
error = ERROR;
if(error == NO_ERROR){
//printf("port thingy %d %d \n", NewByte, DCONFIGPORT);
outb(NewByte, DCONFIGPORT + base); /* write config data to register */

return error; /* no errors detected */

int das08::DBitIn(int Port, int BitNum, int *BitData){
// This function determines whether a bit within the
// requested port is set. The value (1 or 0) is returned
// in the variable pointer sent to the function. Port may
// be PORTA, PORTB, PORTCL or PORTCH. BitNum must be in the
// range 0-7.
int error,
mask = 0, data;

error = NO_ERROR;
if((Port == PORTCL) || (Port == PORTCH)){ data = inb(PORTC + base);
} else { data = inb(Port + base);}
//printf("GOT %d %d %d %d \n", Port, data, BitNum, BitData[0]);
if((Port == PORTA) || (Port == PORTB) || (Port == PORTC)){
if((BitNum >= 0) && (BitNum <= 7)){
mask = bits[BitNum];
} else {
error_log(MINOR, "Bit numbers should be between 0 and 7");
error = ERROR;
} else if((Port == PORTCL) || (Port == PORTAUX)) {
if((BitNum >= 0) && (BitNum <= 3)){
mask = bits[BitNum];
} else {
error_log(MINOR, "Bit numbers should be between 0 and 3");
error = ERROR;
} else if(Port == PORTCH) {
if((BitNum >= 4) && (BitNum <= 7)){
mask = bits[BitNum];
} else {
error_log(MINOR, "Bit numbers should be between 4 and 7");
error = ERROR;
} else if(Port == DCONFIGPORT) {
mask = bits[BitNum];
} else {
error_log(MINOR, "Input port not recognized");
error = ERROR;

if(error == NO_ERROR){
BitData[0] = 0;
if((mask & data) != 0) BitData[0] = 1;

return error;

int das08::DBitOut(int Port, int BitNum, int BitValue){
// This function sets a bit of the requested port to either
// a zero or a one. Port may be PORTA, PORTB, PORTCL or
// PORTCH. BitNum must be in the range 0 - 7. BitValue
// must be 1 or 0.
int error,
mask, NewByte, OldByte;

error = NO_ERROR;
if((Port == PORTCL) || (Port == PORTCH)){
OldByte = inb(PORTC + base);
} else {
OldByte = inb(Port + base);

if((Port == PORTAUX) && (BitValue == 1)){
mask = bits[BitNum+4];
NewByte = OldByte | mask;
//printf("ddo %x %x \n", mask, OldByte);
} else if((Port == PORTAUX) && (BitValue == 0)) {
mask = bits[BitNum+4];
NewByte = OldByte & ~mask;
} else if(((Port==PORTA) || (Port==PORTB) || (Port == PORTC)) && (BitValue==1)){
mask = bits[BitNum];
NewByte = OldByte | mask;
}else if(((Port==PORTA) || (Port==PORTB) || (Port==PORTC)) && (BitValue == 0)){
mask = bits[BitNum];
NewByte = OldByte & ~mask;
} else if((Port == PORTCL) && (BitValue == 1)){
mask = bits[BitNum];
NewByte = OldByte | mask;
} else if((Port == PORTCL) && (BitValue == 0)){
mask = bits[BitNum];
NewByte = OldByte & ~mask;
} else if((Port == PORTCH) && (BitValue == 1)){
mask = bits[BitNum];
NewByte = OldByte | mask;
} else if((Port == PORTCH) && (BitValue == 0)){
mask = bits[BitNum];
NewByte = OldByte & ~mask;
} else {
error = ERROR;
if((Port == PORTCL) || (Port == PORTCH))
Port = PORTC;
//printf("OUT %d %d\n", NewByte, Port + base);
if(error == NO_ERROR) outb(NewByte, Port + base);

return error;

int das08::DIn(int Port, int *Value){
// This function reads the byte value of the specified port
// and returns the result in the variable pointer sent to the
// function. Valid ports are PORTA, PORTB, PORTCL and PORTCH.
int error;
// int result;
// int BitData;
int temp;

error = NO_ERROR;
// if(Port == PORTA){
// result = DBitIn(DCONFIGPORT, 4, &BitData);
// } else if(Port == PORTB){
// result = DBitIn(DCONFIGPORT, 1, &BitData);
// } else if(Port == PORTC){
// result = DBitIn(DCONFIGPORT, 0, &BitData)
// + DBitIn(DCONFIGPORT, 3, &BitData);
// } else if(Port == PORTCL){
// result = DBitIn(DCONFIGPORT, 0, &BitData);
// } else if(Port == PORTCH){
// result = DBitIn(DCONFIGPORT, 3, &BitData);
// } else if(Port == PORTAUX){
// } else {
// error_log(MINOR, "ERROR: Port not recognized");
// error = ERROR;
// }

//printf("sss %d %d \n", Port, result);
// if((error == NO_ERROR) && (BitData == 0)){
// error_log("ERROR: Port not configured for read");
// error = ERROR;
// }
if(error == NO_ERROR){
if(Port == PORTCL){
temp = inb(PORTC + base); /* read the port data */
Value[0] = (temp & 0x0f); /* mask off the high bits */
} else if(Port == PORTCH){
temp = inb(PORTC + base); /* read the port data */
Value[0] = (temp & 0xf0); /* mask off the low bits */
} else if(Port == PORTAUX){
Value[0] = 0x7 & (int)((inb(Port + base) / 16));
} else {
Value[0] = 0xff & inb(Port + base); /* read the port data */

return error;

int das08::DOut(int Port, int ByteValue){
// This function writes the byte value to the specified port.
// Valid ports are PORTA, PORTB, PORTCL and PORTCH.
int error;

error = NO_ERROR;
if(Port == PORTAUX){
ByteValue = (0x07 & inb(Port+base)) | (ByteValue * 16);
if((ByteValue > 255) || (ByteValue < 0)){
error = ERROR;
//printf("Writing byte %d to port %d\n", ByteValue, Port);
if(error == NO_ERROR){
if(Port == PORTCL){
outb((ByteValue & 0x0f), PORTC + base);
} else if(Port == PORTCH){
outb((ByteValue & 0xf0), PORTC + base);
} else {
outb(ByteValue, Port + base); /* write the port data */

return error; /* no errors detected */

int das08::C8254Config(int CounterNum, int Config){
int error,
// TempByte,
BCD, mask, counter;
// int temp;

error = NO_ERROR;
/* BCD = 0xfe - 16-bit binary count
BCD = 0xf1 - 4 decade Binary Coded Decimal */
BCD = 0xfe;
switch (Config){
case HIGHONLASTCOUNT: mask = 0xf1; break;
case ONESHOT: mask = 0xf3; break;
case RATEGENERATOR: mask = 0xf5; break;
case SQUAREWAVE: mask = 0xf7; break;
case SOFTWARESTROBE: mask = 0xf9; break;
case HARDWARESTROBE: mask = 0xfb; break;
default: error = ERROR;; break;

switch (CounterNum){
case 1: counter = 0x3f; break;
case 2: counter = 0x7f; break;
case 3: counter = 0xbf; break;
default: error = ERROR; break;
if(error == NO_ERROR){
NewByte = (BCD & mask) & counter;
//printf("The value of TempByte & mask is --> %x.\n", NewByte);
outb(NewByte, CCONFIGPORT + base);

return error;

int das08::CLoad(int CounterNum, int value)
char LoadValue[6];
int error;
int TempByte, TempByte1, Register, CounterMask;
int WriteLowByteMask1 = 0x20; /* RL1 | */
int WriteLowByteMask2 = 0xef; /* RL0 & */
int WriteHighByteMask1 = 0xdf; /* RL1 & */
int WriteHighByteMask2 = 0x10; /* RL0 | */
char LowByte[5];
char HighByte[5];
long HighByteValue, LowByteValue;
int test;

error = NO_ERROR;
switch (CounterNum){
case 1: Register = LOADREAD1; CounterMask = 0x3f; break;
case 2: Register = LOADREAD2; CounterMask = 0x7f; break;
case 3: Register = LOADREAD3; CounterMask = 0xbf; break;
default: error = ERROR; break;

HighByte[0] = LoadValue[0];
HighByte[1] = LoadValue[1];
HighByte[2] = LoadValue[2];
HighByte[3] = LoadValue[3];

LowByte[0] = '0';
LowByte[1] = 'x';
LowByte[2] = LoadValue[4];
LowByte[3] = LoadValue[5];

if(error == NO_ERROR){
HighByteValue = (int)strtol(HighByte, NULL, 0);
LowByteValue = (int)strtol(LowByte, NULL, 0);
TempByte = (CounterMask | WriteLowByteMask1) & WriteLowByteMask2;
TempByte1 = TempByte & 0xf0;
//printf("The value in config low is --> %x.\n", TempByte1);
outb(TempByte1, CCONFIGPORT + base);
outb(LowByteValue, Register + base);
//printf("The register chosen is --> %x.\n", Register);
test = inb(Register + base);
//printf("The value read in counter low is --> %x.\n", test);
TempByte = (0x30 & WriteHighByteMask1) | WriteHighByteMask2;
//printf("The value in config high is --> %x.\n", TempByte);
outb(TempByte, CCONFIGPORT + base);
outb(HighByteValue, Register + base);
outb(TempByte, CCONFIGPORT + base);
test = inb(Register + base);
//printf("The value in counter high is --> %x.\n", test);

return error;

int das08::CIn(int CounterNum, int *CountValue){
int error;
int TempByte, Register;
int ReadLowByteMask1 = 0x20; /* RL1 | */
int ReadLowByteMask2 = 0xef; /* RL0 & */
int ReadHighByteMask1 = 0xdf; /* RL1 & */
int ReadHighByteMask2 = 0x10; /* RL0 | */
int CountValue1, CountValue2;

error = NO_ERROR;
switch (CounterNum){
case 1: Register = LOADREAD1; break;
case 2: Register = LOADREAD2; break;
case 3: Register = LOADREAD3; break;
default: error = ERROR; break;

if(error == NO_ERROR){
TempByte = (0x3f | ReadLowByteMask1) & ReadLowByteMask2;
outb(TempByte, CCONFIGPORT + base);
CountValue1 = inb(Register + base);
//printf("The low value is --> %x.\n", CountValue1);
TempByte = (0x3f & ReadHighByteMask1) | ReadHighByteMask2;
outb(TempByte, CCONFIGPORT + base);
CountValue2 = inb(Register + base);
//printf("The high value is --> %x.\n", CountValue2);

return error;

int das08::AIn(int ADChannel, int *Value){
// This function requires three arguments to perform the
// analog to digital conversion. ADChannel must be in the
// range 0-7 and Range must be a valid range code
// i.e. BIP5VOLTS. The value of the conversion will be
// returned to the address specificed through the pointer
// variable. This value will be in the range 0-4095.
int error;
int value1, value2, value3, curr_status, new_status, ADbusy;
int ADCmask1, ADCmask2;
int ADValue_low, ADValue_low1, ADValue_low2, ADValue_high;
int EOC = 1;

error = NO_ERROR;
curr_status = inb(ADCSTATUS + base); /* current value in status */

case 0:ADCmask1 = 0xf8;ADCmask2 = 0x00;break;
case 1:ADCmask1 = 0xf9;ADCmask2 = 0x01;break;
case 2:ADCmask1 = 0xfa;ADCmask2 = 0x02;break;
case 3:ADCmask1 = 0xfb;ADCmask2 = 0x03;break;
case 4:ADCmask1 = 0xfc;ADCmask2 = 0x04;break;
case 5:ADCmask1 = 0xfd;ADCmask2 = 0x05;break;
case 6:ADCmask1 = 0xfe;ADCmask2 = 0x06;break;
case 7:ADCmask1 = 0xff;ADCmask2 = 0x07;break;
default:error = ERROR;; break; /* error */

if(error == NO_ERROR){
outb(chan0, GAIN + base); /* set the gain/range value */
new_status = (curr_status & ADCmask1) | ADCmask2;
outb(new_status, ADCSTATUS + base); /* set the channel number */
outb(0x00, ADCLOW + base); /* start a 12 bit A/D conversion */

while((error == NO_ERROR) && (EOC == 1)){ /* check for end of conversion */
ADbusy = inb(ADCSTATUS + base); /* read status register */
if(ADbusy >= 128){
EOC = 1; /* A/D still converting */
} else {
EOC = 0; /* A/D done converting */

if(error == NO_ERROR){
ADValue_low = inb(ADCLOW + base); /* get the lower eight bits */
ADValue_high = inb(ADCHIGH + base); /* get the upper four bits */

case 0x00:value1 = 0;break;
case 0x80:value1 = 1;break;
case 0x40:value1 = 2;break;
case 0xc0:value1 = 3;break;
case 0x20:value1 = 4;break;
case 0xa0:value1 = 5;break;
case 0x60:value1 = 6;break;
case 0xe0:value1 = 7;break;
case 0x10:value1 = 8;break;
case 0x90:value1 = 9;break;
case 0x50:value1 = 10;break;
case 0xd0:value1 = 11;break;
case 0x30:value1 = 12;break;
case 0xb0:value1 = 13;break;
case 0x70:value1 = 14;break;
case 0xf0:value1 = 15;break;
default:error = ERROR;break;

ADValue_low1 = (ADValue_low & 0x0f); /* mask off bits 4-7 */
case 0x00:value2 = 0;break;
case 0x01:value2 = 16;break;
case 0x02:value2 = 32;break;
case 0x03:value2 = 48;break;
case 0x04:value2 = 64;break;
case 0x05:value2 = 80;break;
case 0x06:value2 = 96;break;
case 0x07:value2 = 112;break;
case 0x08:value2 = 128;break;
case 0x09:value2 = 144;break;
case 0x0a:value2 = 160;break;
case 0x0b:value2 = 176;break;
case 0x0c:value2 = 192;break;
case 0x0d:value2 = 208;break;
case 0x0e:value2 = 224;break;
case 0x0f:value2 = 240;break;
default:error = ERROR;break;
ADValue_low2 = (ADValue_low & 0xf0); /* mask off bits 0-3 */
case 0x00:value3 = 0;break;
case 0x10:value3 = 256;break;
case 0x20:value3 = 512;break;
case 0x30:value3 = 768;break;
case 0x40:value3 = 1024;break;
case 0x50:value3 = 1280;break;
case 0x60:value3 = 1536;break;
case 0x70:value3 = 1792;break;
case 0x80:value3 = 2048;break;
case 0x90:value3 = 2304;break;
case 0xa0:value3 = 2560;break;
case 0xb0:value3 = 2816;break;
case 0xc0:value3 = 3072;break;
case 0xd0:value3 = 3328;break;
case 0xe0:value3 = 3584;break;
case 0xf0:value3 = 3840;break;
default: error = ERROR; /* error - unknown conversion result */
*Value = value1+value2+value3; /* total value for conversion */

return error; /* no errors detected */

int das08::AOut(int DAChannel, int DAValue){
// This function performs a digital to analog conversion
// routine. The DAChannel must be either 0 or 1 and the
// digital value must be in the range 0-4095.
int error;
int low, high, DACLOW, DACHIGH;

error = NO_ERROR;
default:error = ERROR;break;

/* The following table converts the digital value into
three hex values encompassing two 8-bit registers. The
layout of the registers follow:

low - DA7 DA6 DA5 DA4 DA3 DA2 DA1 DA0
high - x x x x DA11 DA10 DA9 DA8 */

if(DAValue <= 255){
low = DAValue;
high = 0x00;
} else if((DAValue >= 256) && (DAValue <= 511)){
low = DAValue - 256;
high = 0x01;
} else if((DAValue >= 512) && (DAValue <= 767)) {
low = DAValue - 512;
high = 0x02;
} else if((DAValue >= 768) && (DAValue <= 1023)) {
low = DAValue - 768;
high = 0x03;
} else if((DAValue >= 1024) && (DAValue <= 1279)) {
low = DAValue - 1024;
high = 0x04;
} else if((DAValue >= 1280) && (DAValue <= 1535)) {
low = DAValue - 1280;
high = 0x05;
} else if((DAValue >= 1536) && (DAValue <= 1791)) {
low = DAValue - 1536;
high = 0x06;
} else if((DAValue >= 1792) && (DAValue <= 2047)) {
low = DAValue - 1792;
high = 0x07;
} else if((DAValue >= 2048) && (DAValue <= 2303)){
low = DAValue - 2048;
high = 0x08;
} else if((DAValue >= 2304) && (DAValue <= 2559)){
low = DAValue - 2304;
high = 0x09;
} else if((DAValue >= 2560) && (DAValue <= 2815)){
low = DAValue - 2560;
high = 0x0a;
} else if((DAValue >= 2816) && (DAValue <= 3071)){
low = DAValue - 2816;
high = 0x0b;
} else if((DAValue >= 3072) && (DAValue <= 3327)){
low = DAValue - 3072;
high = 0x0c;
} else if((DAValue >= 3328) && (DAValue <= 3583)){
low = DAValue - 3328;
high = 0x0d;
} else if((DAValue >= 3584) && (DAValue <= 3839)){
low = DAValue - 3584;
high = 0x0e;
} else if((DAValue >= 3840) && (DAValue <= 4095)){
low = DAValue - 3840;
high = 0x0f;
} else{
error = ERROR; /* error - D/A value must be 0-4095 */
if(error == NO_ERROR){
outb(low, DACLOW + base); /* write the low byte value */
outb(high, DACHIGH + base); /* write the high byte value */

return error; /* no errors detected */

Listing 16.1 - DAS08 Driver Test File (testdaq.cpp)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "das08_io.h"

int ChooseCounter();
int ChooseConfig();
int ChooseDir(int DirectNum);

#define QUERY 350
#define CHOOSE_PORT 351
#define CHOOSE_COUNTER 352
#define CHOOSE_CONFIG 353

int query(int, char*, int);

int main(){
int choice;
das08 *A;
int value;

A = new das08();

printf("\n\n------------ DAS08 Test Harness Menu --------------\n");

printf("1. Digital Configure\n");
printf("2. Digital Input Bit\n");
printf("3. Digital Input Word\n");
printf("4. Digital Output Bit\n");
printf("5. Digital Output Word\n\n");
printf("6. Counter Configure\n");
printf("7. Counter Load Value\n");
printf("8. Counter Input Value\n\n");
printf("9. Analog Input Value\n");
printf("10. Analog Output Value\n\n");
printf("11. Quit\n\n");
printf("Select: ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
if(choice == 1){
A->DConfigPort( query(CHOOSE_PORT, NULL, 0),
} else if(choice == 2){
A->DBitIn( query(CHOOSE_PORT, NULL, 0),
query(QUERY, "Choose a bit (0-7): ", 0), &value);
printf("The Bit Value is [%d] \n", value);
} else if(choice == 3){
A->DIn( query(CHOOSE_PORT, NULL, 0), &value);
printf("The Value is [%d] or [%d]hex\n", value, value);
} else if(choice == 4){
A->DBitOut( query(CHOOSE_PORT, NULL, 0),
query(QUERY, "Choose a bit (0-7): ", 0),
query(QUERY, "Choose a value (0 or 1): ", 0));
} else if(choice == 5){
A->DOut( query(CHOOSE_PORT, NULL, 0),
query(QUERY, "Choose a value (-128 to 127): ", 0));
} else if(choice == 6){
A->C8254Config( query(CHOOSE_COUNTER, NULL, 0),
} else if(choice == 7){
A->CLoad( query(CHOOSE_COUNTER, NULL, 0),
query(QUERY, "Enter a value in the form 0x____ : ", 0));
} else if(choice == 8){
A->CIn( query(CHOOSE_COUNTER, NULL, 0), &value);
printf("The Counter value was [%d]\n", value);
} else if(choice == 9){
A->AIn( query(QUERY, "Enter Channel Number (0-7): ", 0), &value);
printf("The value is [%d]\n", value);
} else if(choice == 10){
A->AOut( query(QUERY, "Enter Channel Number (0-1): ", 0),
query(QUERY, "Enter Value (0- 4095): ", 0));
} else if(choice == 11){
} else {
printf("ERROR: Choice not recognized\n");
} while(choice != 11);
delete A;

int query(int type, char *text, int def){
char work[20];
int value;

if(type == QUERY){
printf("%s [%d]: ", text, def);
scanf("%s", work);
printf("<%s>\n", work);
if(strlen(work) == 0){
return def;
} else {
return atoi(work);
} else if(type == CHOOSE_PORT){
printf("Which port (1=A, 2=B, 3=C, 4=CH, 5=CL, 6=AUX): ");
scanf("%d", &value);
if(value == 1) return PORTA;
if(value == 2) return PORTB;
if(value == 3) return PORTC;
if(value == 4) return PORTCL;
if(value == 5) return PORTCH;
if(value == 6) return PORTAUX;
return ERROR;
} else if(type == CHOOSE_COUNTER){
printf("Which counter (1, 2, 3): ");
scanf("%d", &value);
if((value >= 1) || (value <= 3)) return value;
return ERROR;
} else if(type == CHOOSE_CONFIG){
printf("Which mode (1=HighOnLastCount, 2=OneShot, 3=RateGenerator, 4=SquareWave, 5=SoftwareStrobe, 6=HardwareStrobe): ");
scanf("%d", &value);
if(value == 1) return HIGHONLASTCOUNT;
if(value == 2) return ONESHOT;
if(value == 3) return RATEGENERATOR;
if(value == 4) return SQUAREWAVE;
if(value == 5) return SOFTWARESTROBE;
if(value == 6) return HARDWARESTROBE;
return ERROR;
} else if(type == CHOOSE_DIRECTION){
printf("Which direction (1=In, 2=Out): ");
scanf("%d", &value);
if(value == 1) return DIGITALIN;
if(value == 2) return DIGITALOUT;
return ERROR;
} else {
return ERROR;

void error_log(int code, char *string){
printf("ERROR %d: %s \n", code, string);


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