ebook: Implementation; Products, Robotics, and Other Useful Things


1.2 Bloom's Taxonomy

1. Knowledge: remembering of previously learned material; recall (facts or whole theories); bringing to mind.

Terms: defines, describes, identifies, lists, matches, names.

2. Comprehension: grasping the meaning of material; interpreting (explaining or summarizing); predicting outcome and effects (estimating future trends).

Terms: convert, defend, distinguish, estimate, explain, generalize, rewrite.

3. Application: ability to use learned material in a new situation; apply rules, laws, methods, theories.

Terms: changes, computes, demonstrates, operates, shows, uses, solves.

4. Analysis: breaking down into parts; understanding organization, clarifying, concluding.

Identify parts: See Related Order; Relationships; Clarify.

Terms: distinguish, diagrams, outlines, relates, breaks down, discriminates, subdivides.

5. Synthesis: ability to put parts together to form a new whole; unique communication; set of abstract relations.

Terms: combines, complies, composes, creates, designs, rearranges.

6. Evaluation: ability to judge value for purpose; base on criteria; support judgment with reason. (No guessing).

Terms: appraises, criticizes, compares, supports, concludes, discriminates, contrasts, summarizes, explains.


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