1. References Only1.1 Jack, H., (editor) Manufacturing Education Transformation Summit Proceedings, Austin, TX, June 2009, 2. http://claymore.engineer.gvsu.edu/ocs/index.php/smetexas2009/METS2002/schedConf/presentations. 1.2 H. Jack, Keynote Presentation, "Manufacturing Transformation", Manufacturing Education Transformation Summit, Austin, TX, June 2009. 1.3 Jack, H., "Industry Trends and Developments; Manufacturing Education and Research", Society of Manufacturing Engineering Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, June 8, 2009 1.4 Chaphalkar, P, Fleischmann, S., Pawloski, J., Jack, H., "Preparation for Innovative Statics and Solid Mechanics Course Sequence", ASEE Annual Conference, Austin, TX, June 14-17, 2009. 1.5 Jack, H., Editor for "Curriculum 2015", to be published by the Society of Manufacturing Engineers, 2009. (http://www.merconline.net/wiki/index.php?title=Curriculum_2015) 1.6 Jack, H., "Teaching a Communication Intensive Capstone Course with Free Services", 8th Annual Teaching & Learning with Technology Symposium, Grand Valley State University, March 18, 2009. 1.7 Jack, H., Editor for the "Manufacturing Education Leadership Forum; Vision for Progress" Conference Proceedings, June 26-27, 2008, Robert Morris University, Pittsburgh, PA, http://claymore.engineer.gvsu.edu/~jackh/sme/pittsburgh08/Program.html. 1.8 Jack, H., Editor for the "Second Manufacturing Education Leadership Forum: Moving Forward", Conference Proceedings, November 13-15, 2008, Farmindale State Colle: SUNY, Farmingdale, NY, http://www.merconline.net/wiki/index.php?title=Farmingdale_Forum_Program. 1.9 Jack, H., Sterian, A., a chapter entitled Control with Embedded Computers and Programmable Logic Controllers in “The Mechatronics Handbook”, Second Edition, CRC Press, 2007. 1.10 Jack, H., “Emerging Technologies in Teaching”, GVSU Teaching with Technology Fair, March 21, 2007. 1.11 Jack, H., “Products - A New Focus for Manufacturing Education”, Business Update, pg. 21, August 2006. 1.12 Jack, H., “The State of Manufacturing Engineering Education”, An SME Technical Paper, November 2005 1.13 Jack, H., “The State of Manufacturing Engineering Education”, a presentation at Looking Forward; International Conference in Manufacturing Engineering Education, San Luis Obispo, CA, June 2005. 1.14 Jack, H., a panel member for the session "Manufacturing Education for the 21st Century", Manufacturing Technology Summit, University of Michigan, Dearborn, MI, August, 2004. 1.15 Demmon, T., Jack, H., "Pathways to the Sciences and Engineering", A presentation made to the GVSU Science and Math Regional Center, Science Update Series Nov., 19, 2003. 1.16 Jack, H., "Engineering Ethics", A presentation made to the local SME Chapter, May 2002. 1.17 Jack, H., Sterian, A., "Control with Embedded Computers and Programmable Logic Controllers", a chapter in "The Mechatronics Handbook", CRC Press, 2002. 1.18 Jack, H., “Virtual Lab Environments in the Classroom”, Michigan Academy of the Arts Conference, Grand Rapids, March, 1999. 1.19 Jack, H., “Wired”, a presentation at the GVSU Teaching and Learning Conference, Allendale, MI, August 1997. 1.20 Jack, H., “A Thick Layered Rapid Prototyping technique”, ASM 1995 annual conference in Cleveland OH. 1.21 Jack, H., “RyerCIM”, poster presented at MRCO annual meeting, June 1995. 1.22 Jack, H., “Concurrent Processing”, poster presented at MRCO annual meeting, June 1995. 1.23 Jack, H., “BCAPP”, poster presented at MRCO annual meeting, June 1995. 1.24 Jack, H., and ElMaraghy, W.H., “Computer Aided Process Planning With Boolean Algebra”, CSME Conference Proceedings, June 1994, pp. 737-746. 1.25 Jack, H., “A Boolean Algebra Approach to High-Level Process Planning”, A Ph.D. thesis presented at the University of Western Ontario, January 1994. 1.26 Jack, H., “Application of Neural Networks to Robot Motion Planning and Control”, Masters Thesis at The University of Western Ontario, January 1991. 1.27 ElMaraghy, W.H., Jack, H., “Facilitating Rapid Product Realization with an Intelligent CAPP System”, IFIP Transactions; Vol. B-17 archive, Proceedings of the IFIP TC5/WG5.3 Conference on Towards World Class Manufacturing 1993 |