1.2 APT


• This language allows tools to be programmed using geometrical shapes. This puts less burden on the programmer to do calculations in their heads.


• APT programs must be converted into low level programs, such as G-codes.


• An example of an APT program is given below.



• Some samples of the geometrical and motion commands follow. These are not complete, but are a reasonable subset.


• GEOMETRY: The simplest geometrical construction in APT is a point

p=POINT/x,y,z - a cartesian point

p=POINT/l1,l2 - intersection of two lines

p=POINT/c - the center of a circle

p=POINT/YLARGE,INTOF,l,c - the largest y intersection of a line and a circle

*Note: we can use YSMALL,XLARGE,XSMALL in place of YLARGE


• GEOMETRY: Lines are one of the next simplest definitions,

l=LINE/x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2 - endpoint cartesian components

l=LINE/p1,p2 - endpoints

l=LINE/p,PARLEL,l - a line through a point and parallel to another line

l=LINE/p,PERPTO,l - a line through a point and perpendicular to a line

l=LINE/p,LEFT,TANTO,c - a line from a point, to a left tangency point on a circle

l=LINE/p,RIGHT,TANTO,c - a line from a point, to a right tangency point on a circle

l=LINE/LEFT,TANTO,c1,LEFT,TANTO,c2 - defined by tangents to two circles

l=LINE/LEFT,TANTO,c1,RIGHT,TANTO,c2 - defined by tangents to two circles

l=LINE/RIGHT,TANTO,c1,LEFT,TANTO,c2 - defined by tangents to two circles

l=LINE/RIGHT,TANTO,c1,RIGHT,TANTO,c2 - defined by tangents to two circles


• GEOMETRY: Circles are very useful for constructing geometries

c=CIRCLE/x,y,z,r - a center and radius

c=CIRCLE/CENTER,p,RADIUS,r - a center point and a radius

c=CIRCLE/CENTER,p,TANTO,l - a center and a tangency to an outside line

c=CIRCLE/p1,p2,p3 - defined by three points on the circumference

c=CIRCLE/YLARGE,l1,YLARGE,l2,RADIUS,r - tangency to two lines and radius

*Note: we can use YSMALL,XLARGE,XSMALL in place of YLARGE


• GEOMETRY: More complex geometric constructions are possible

PLANE/ - defines a plane

QUADRIC/a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j - define a polynomial using values

GCONIC/a,b,c,d,e,f - define a conic by equation coefficients

LCONIC/p1,p2,... - defines a conic by lofting (splining) points

RLDSRF/ - a ruled surface made of two splines

POLCON/ - define a surface using cross sections

PATERN/ - will repeat a motion in a linear or circular array


• Once we have constructed points, lines and circles we can then proceed to direct the tool to follow the path.


• MOTION: We can use the basic commands to follow the specified geometry

FROM/p - specify a start point

FROM/x,y,z - specify a start point

GOTO/p - move to a final point

GOTO/x,y,z - move to a final point

GOTO/TO,p - move until the tool touches a point

GOTO/TO,l - move until the tool touches a line

GOTO/TO,c - move until the tool touches a circle

GOLFT/l1,TO,l2 - go on the left of l1 until the tool touches l2

GORGT/l1,TO,l2 - go on the right of l1 until the tool touches l2

GOBACK/l1,TO,l2 - reverses direction along l1 to l2

GOBACK/l1,TO,c1 - reverses direction along l1 to c1

GOUP/l1,TO,l2 - goes up along l1 to l2

GODOWN/1l,TO,l2 - goes down along l1 to l2

GODLTA/x,y,z - does a relative move

Note: TO can be replaced with PAST, ON to change whether the tool goes past the structure, or the center stops on the structure.


• MOTION: The following commands will create complex motion of the tool

POCKET/ - will cut a pocket

PSIS/ - will call for the part surface


• As would be expected, we need to be able to issue commands to control the machine.


• CONTROL: The following instructions will control the machine outside the expected cutting tool motion.

CUTTER/n1,n2 - defines diameter n1 and radius n2 of cutter

MACHIN/n,m - uses a post processor for machine ‘n’, and version ‘m’

COOL/ANT/n - either MIST, FLOOD or OFF

TURRET/n - sets tool turret to new position

TOLER/n - sets a tolerance band for cutting

FEDRAT/n - sets a feedrate n

SPINDL/n,CW - specifies n rpm and direction of spindle


• We can also include some program elements that are only used for programming


• PROGRAM: The following statements are programming support instructions

REMARK - starts a comment line that is not interpreted

$$ - also allows comments, but after other statements

NOPOST - turns off the post processor that would generate cutter paths

CLPRNT - prints a sequential history of the cutter center location

SQRTF(n) - calculates the floating point square root

FINI - stop program

PARTNO/n - allows the user to specify the part name

LOOPST and LOOPND - loop instructions

RESERV/n,m - defines an array of size ‘n’ by ‘m’

JUMPTO/n - jump to line number


• Note: variables can also be defined and basic mathematical operations can be performed.


• Note: macro functions are also available.