1.1.1 Relational database systems


•Information is stored in 2D-tables


•Rows in a table are records


•Columns in a record are fields


•A key, consisting of one or more fields, that uniquely identifies a record


•A dictionary is a table that describes all the tables


•Fully-partitioned: if each table is stored at exactly one physical site


•Fully-replicated: if each table is stored at all physical sites


•Natural distribution: data are kept at the local site


•Query operations:

- Select - picking records

- Project - picking fields

- Join - merging of tables


•Predicate: a condition between fields used to manipulate the queries


1.1.2 Issues for distributed database systems


• Distribution of tables to sites


• Natural distribution of data at various sites


• Fully partition of systems


• Fully replicated systems


• Important factors


• Replicates the dictionary at every site


• Frequency of request to a table from a site


• Storage capacity at each site


• Communication costs between sites - Query processing


• Query response time (for interactive applications)


• Total bandwidth consumed (for batch applications)


• Approach

- Optimizing specific query based upon specific statistical conditions

- The query site will either “estimate” or request the related sites to report the related time and cost of moving the data before deciding on an actual query sequence - Concurrency control


• Maximize the amount of parallel activity while maintaining the semantic integrity of the data


• Approach

- A transaction: a set of reads, followed by some processing, and then a set of writes

- A log is the time ordered sequence of reads and writes performed on the database

- A log is serial if each read is immediately followed by an appropriate write

- There is no known algorithm that allows serial logs, all serializable logs, and all other logs that leave the database consistent

- Most algorithms achieve serializable logs by allowing transaction to lock part of the database

- The lock could be applied on the full database, or some tables, records, fields, and physical sectors

- Deadlock occurs when two queries want to lock certain resources that have already been locked by each other