• There are basic families of standard components to be found. Many of these are marked by terse codes and symbols.



1.5.1 Resistors


• The resistor color code is,

Black = 0 = 1X

Brown = 1 = 10X

Red = 2 = 100X

Orange = 3 = 1000X

Yellow = 4 = 10000X

Green = 5 = 100,000X

Blue = 6 = 1,000,000X

Violet = 7 = 10,000,000X

Grey = 8 = 100,000,000X

White = 9 = 1,000,000,000X

Silver = 10% tolerance

Gold = 5% tolerance

Brown = 1% tolerance


• A resistor will have 4 or 5 bands. The bands that are grouped, or closer to one side of the resistor are the nominal value of the resistor. A single band will be set apart, this will be the tolerance.




1.5.2 Capacitors


• Capacitors quite often have values printed on them. When the values are not clear, there may be a number code used.


• Consider the capacitor with a number code below,