• IDEF is a diagraming method used to describe systems.
• developed by ICAM (Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing)
• Three (3) levels of IDEF models:
IDEF0 - model of process flows
IDEF1 - modelling of the nature of data handling
IDEF2 - modelling of the dynamic behavior of a process
• We will examine IDEF0 for modelling processes. Other models would be useful when designing complex inofmration systems.
• A process can also be represented with an IDEF0 diagram.
• IDEF serves to illustrate the relationship of all processes in a system in a graphical format
•Boxes represent activities or functions.
•Information or data needed to carry out the activities or products produced by the activities are represented by arrows.
•A top down diagramming method is used.
•The model starts off with a single block that represents the entire system or process.
•The first block diagram is “expanded” to more detailed diagrams or processes.
•The collection of successively more detailed diagrams is the IDEF model
•This is the top level of the IDEF model.
•This box is labeled as A0 (“0” indicates the top level)
•Decomposing “A0” will produce another set of boxes and process flows.